Game Development Archives - Queppelin AR | VR | AI Services Development Company Sat, 01 Apr 2023 06:00:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Game Development Archives - Queppelin 32 32 Web3 Gaming: Decentralization In the Gaming World Sat, 01 Apr 2023 05:59:15 +0000 We are living in technologically exciting times. Several revolutionary technologies have emerged one after the other and taken the world by storm. Unlike previous technological innovations, these technologies are not just a tool to enhance the existing process but can alter the whole process altogether bringing in new possibilities and opportunities. AI, VR, AR, Blockchain, […]

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We are living in technologically exciting times. Several revolutionary technologies have emerged one after the other and taken the world by storm. Unlike previous technological innovations, these technologies are not just a tool to enhance the existing process but can alter the whole process altogether bringing in new possibilities and opportunities.

AI, VR, AR, Blockchain, NFTs, and Crypto, are among the top technologies making the impossible possible. After all, who would have ever thought that one-day human beings would crave digital assets? They will own and trade in it just like a real-world commodity. On top of it, some of these digital assets will have more value than their real-world counterparts. Crazy times for sure.

It is further interesting to know that gaming has been among the early adopters of these technologies and played a huge role in popularizing them. As a result, new forms of gaming are emerging such as AR games, VR games, and Metaverse games, and, the most prominent among them, Web3 Gaming.

In this blog, we will learn what Web3 gaming is, what makes it so special, how it works, and how gamers and businesses can capture the opportunity that they are handing out.

What is Web3 Gaming?

As the name suggests, Web3 gaming consists of games that utilize Web3 and its associated technologies such as blockchain, NFT, and cryptocurrencies. These technologies give them various unique features that were lacking in their traditional counterpart. This includes

  • Democratization: Gamers have supreme decision-making authority over the game and its direction in the future.
  • Ownership: Gamers have full ownership of their in-game digital assets. They can trade in these assets for real-world value.
  • Economic Incentive: Games receive economic incentives for their involvement in the game. 
  • Trusslessness: Games directly deal with gamers using smart contracts eliminating intermediaries.

Such qualities result in a much more enriching gaming experience and create strong reasons for businesses to invest in them. That is why the Web3 gaming community is rapidly expanding and so are the opportunities for businesses. We will discuss these aspects more in the later sections.

For now, let’s start cracking the code web3 gaming and make it more simple and clear to understand. Starting with Web3, as it is what differentiates Web3 gaming from other gaming formats. 

What is Web3?

To start with, Web3 is the latest evolutionary version of the World Wide Web that is changing the way the web is accessed, utilized, operated, and maintained. It has innovative features that successfully overcome the shortcomings of its predecessors, namely Web2 and Web1. 

While the earlier versions had worrying defects such as the lack of users’ control on the internet, user privacy intrusions, absence of ownership of digital assets, lack of transparency, security, and many others. Users were demanding an alternative system especially when the cases of privacy intrusion by the tech giants came to the fore. 

They are rapidly realizing how the control of the internet, which is almost equitable to a public resource, is in the hands of a few centralized organizations. They are commanding all aspects of web operations and churning out huge profits in the process.

First, they are controlling who can access what information or content over the internet gaining the capability to influence public perception of virtually anything. 

Second, they take a significant share of the revenue from user-generated content. All of this is because they are the gatekeepers having full control over the entry points. 

Third, they are also selling users’ private data to third parties leading to great privacy infringement and a huge uproar when it came to light. 

Addressing all these user concerns, Web3 has arrived packed with game-changing features that are the need of the hour.

The first and foremost is decentralization. Web3 system operates on a distributed network of nodes instead of relying on a single organization with specified physical storage locations and operations. 

Web3 utilizes blockchain technology, peer-to-peer networks, open-source protocols, and other methods to give consumers the power to govern sections of the internet democratically. 

Another important quality of Web3 is that it is  “permissionless”. This means that no permission from a controlling authority is required to access and use the web.  Comparing it with earlier web versions that faced censorship from various different sections such as the government, internet service providers, search engines, etc.

Web3 also creates a “trustless” system that doesn’t need any kind of human or institutional intervention. Therefore, users don’t have to trust any intermediary to help them carry out any specific task. 

Take the example of banks for that matter. Web3 users do not need banks to exchange money between them. They can directly send money to another user who can hold it themselves without needing a bank to store it.

In short, Web3.0 takes away centralized control of a few organizations over the internet and makes it democratic. Also, users do not need the permission as well as intermediation of the central authorities to use the Web and access its content. Lastly, they have full control over their data and can choose to use it in any way they want. 

It is no surprise that with each passing day, Web3 is finding more takers in terms of users and in the business space. 

It brings safety, security, and transparency to the system. But more importantly, it hands out the control to users and they have a complete say on how they want to use the internet and their data over it. 

The topic of Web3 is quite vast and needs a separate blog of its own. We have already covered it in detail here

Coming back to Web3 gaming. Utilizing Web3 for its operation, Web3 gaming gains all these qualities by default. They are turning the gaming world upside down. It outshines in terms of how it treats players and alters the power balance in their favor. The arguments favoring Web3 games become more convincing when we contrast them with traditional gaming as we will see in the next section.

Web3 Gaming Vs Traditional Gaming

The most prominent difference is how the game data is stored and managed in these two setups. The traditional gaming setups have a concentrated approach wherein the game is thoroughly managed by a single organization having servers at specific locations for storage and management. 

On the other hand, in Web3 gaming, the operations are distributed in nature, the game data is stored across different nodes on the network using blockchain wherein records are stored in a distributed manner. 

Another important difference is the controlling command of traditional games are in the hand of game owners. They can alter the game or any of its features at any time without gamers having any say despite them being the ones getting the most affected. 

Many times, gamers complain of losing thousands of hours of hard work in just a single game update. They end up losing their game assets and level advancements or, what is said in gaming jargon, their assets get “nerfed”. 

One such incident actually led to the invention of Ethereum, when the assets of Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin got nerfed due to a game update. It was the moment of truth when he decided to create a decentralized setup and the rest is history. He mentions this incident in his biography “”.

On the other hand web3 game hands over control to players by giving them voting right. The weightage of their votes corresponds to the NFT and digital assets they hold. Using this right, gamers’ commands can decide the direction of the game and future updates.

The next point of comparison is the ownership of game assets. While players proceed through a game they progressively achieve milestones and get various digital games assets such as skin, weapons, armor, abilities, etc. In traditional gaming, players don’t have ownership of these assets which lies in the hands of game developers.

This is not the case in Web3 gaming. Once the player gets an asset, they have full ownership of it and can freely trade in these assets. The ownership data is stored immutably stored in the blockchain and can be used to trade in these assets in the digital asset marketplace. Thereby bringing real-world value to the players and genuinely rewarding their hard work

The fourth difference is that of the payment model, traditional gaming majorly follows either of the three models – 

  1. One-time purchase
  2. Subscription Model
  3. In-game purchases

Players need to shell out fiat money to pay for these games.

On the other hand, Web3 gaming runs on cryptocurrency and digital assets. Noticeably, the exchange of these assets is automatically managed by smart contracts, and no intermediaries are involved. Also, one of the most common gaming models Web3 games use is X-to-earn model to reward players. Such as

  1. Play-to-earn
  2. Move-to-earn
  3. Sleep-to-earn etc.

We will discuss these in the later sections.

Traditional Gaming Web3 Gaming
Setup ConcentratedDistributed
Ownership of game assetsGame owners or developers Players 
Payment ModelFiat money with banks as intermediaries.Cryptocurrency and NFT for all transactions using smart contracts with no intermediaries.

Now that we know what is Web3 gaming and why it is better than traditional gaming, let’s now understand what makes them so effective.

How does Web3 Gaming works?

The most exciting feature of Web3 games is that it rewards the players for their involvement. The player gets various game assets that they either earn, discover, or win while playing the game. Or, they would have bought it from the marketplace. 

Here, smart contracts play a great role to ensure that the transfer of assets is smooth with no intermediation involved. As soon as the player meets the required condition, they receive digital assets. This asset can be anything, an NFT, in-game assets, or cryptocurrencies.  

Also, the value of rewards keeps increasing as players keep moving through the game onto different levels.

Once they get a reward they have full ownership of it in the game as well as in the real world. Their ownership record is securely stored using blockchain technology, which is distributed ledger system i.e. it records the ownership of the digital asset and stores it in a distributed fashion.

Hence, each node on the network maintains a copy of the record, and any anomaly in a single record will be rendered invalid by the system until 51% of the nodes agree on the change. This creates an immutable database as perpetrators have to control 51% of the node to bring any preferred change.

Once stored on the blockchain, the owner of the digital asset can trade in them in the digital asset marketplace achieving real-world financial gains. Again, smart contracts are used to facilitate trade between the two parties.

On the other hand, the game developers get a fee from each transaction of the digital assets as a form of monetization. This makes Web3 gaming a highly lucrative investment avenue as it creates a win-win scenario for both parties. 

In the next segment, we will discuss different earning models that blockchain games can utilize to mix entertainment with earning and attract an increasing number of users.

Web3 Gaming Models

At the end of the day, Web3 games are nothing but games and they should be planned in a way that brings immense joy and entertainment to the gamers. Only then can be termed as successful and create a loyal gaming community that any game developers dream of. 

To achieve this goal, Web3 games have gone one step ahead and added a component of earning for the player. These games utilize the X-to-earn model wherein players can do different acts to earn assets of real-world value. Let’s see the prominent earning methods under this model.


This is the most popular Web3 gaming category. Under this method, players are rewarded for playing the game per se i.e. as soon as a gamer achieves a predefined milestone, they are rewarded with a gaming asset with an inbuilt gaming smart contract watching over the process.

These milestones can be anything like the time spent playing the game, a particular level reached, an in-game task completed, a new skill gained, etc. Further, the rewards can also be tied to players’ in-game performance. The better they play, the bigger their reward is. 

These rewards are in the form of digital assets, game NFTs, cryptocurrencies, etc. Players can sell these assets in the marketplace or crypto exchanges to earn real-world money.


These games are rapidly catching popularity as they promote a healthier lifestyle in their participants while offering financial opportunities. Different move-to-earn game rewards different activities that come under fitness such as walking, running, swimming, etc. Their activities fetch them rewards in terms of native utility tokens.

These gaming apps use smartphones or fit bands to track users’ performance. It then assesses the data and sees if it qualifies for the reward. The rewarded tokens can either be used to buy things within the app or be traded on the internal marketplace or external exchange for cryptocurrencies.


These Web3 games track users sleeping patterns and reward them with NFTs. The reward gets higher if you can take more rest. All that users need to do is download the app and it will use the user’s smartphone to track their sleeping pattern, body movement, and quality of sleep.

Users do not need to wear pesky track bands all night to track their resting patterns. The smartphone will track it as it is close to them.


A Wear 2 Earn model incentivizes players when they advertise and represent the brand online and in the metaverse. The participants get rewarded in digital currency or physically redeemable items.

The concept is fairly new and more to be seen in the coming times.

So, now what we can do for you?

Queppelin is an award-winning technology organization that specializes in the latest technologies including Web3 gaming. We offer different development services that help you enter the lucrative gaming market and make the most out of this decade-rare opportunity.

Smart contracts

We develop smart contracts to regulate the terms and conditions of your Web3 gaming and DAOs. The immutability of smart contracts keeps your Web3 game secure and well functioning while adapting to the changes brought by DAOs.

Decentralized gaming platform and Gaming dApp

We offer full-cycle open-source blockchain gaming platform development including the front-end and the backend service. 

We also create gaming dapps and assist you in designing, innovating, developing, and launching gaming NFT marketplaces.

Gaming NFT marketplaces

We also offer NFT marketplace development to help you earn through facilitating trade in NFTs. experts assist you in designing, innovating, and launching gaming NFT marketplaces. 


By offering exactly what users were looking for, Web3 games have gained a stronghold in the market. It has solved many major problems that users were suffering such as privacy intrusion and lack of control over game development

With Web3 gaming, they can safely store their data on the robust blockchain platform and have a say in the evolution of the game they passionately play. So that no single update could render the game asset nerfed and devoid them of all their hard-earned rewards in the future.

The post Web3 Gaming: Decentralization In the Gaming World appeared first on Queppelin.

Develop Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences in Unity Tue, 20 Dec 2022 08:12:12 +0000 Virtual Reality(VR) in the gaming industry continues to stand the tallest even as the adoption of VR by diverse industries is at an all-time high. This is because game engine giants like Unity have brought VR and Gaming together in a much simpler way than one might anticipate.  It empowers global businesses with real-time creativity. […]

The post Develop Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences in Unity appeared first on Queppelin.

Virtual Reality(VR) in the gaming industry continues to stand the tallest even as the adoption of VR by diverse industries is at an all-time high. This is because game engine giants like Unity have brought VR and Gaming together in a much simpler way than one might anticipate. 

It empowers global businesses with real-time creativity. Unity is so much more than just the world’s best real-time development platform – it’s also a robust ecosystem designed to enable business success.
For instance, at Queppelin, we’ve created VR experiences in Unity for numerous clients across industries that are not necessarily a game, rather they are gamified in a sense.

If you’re eager to learn and create VR experiences or games, learning Unity should be your top focus. So let’s delve into all the details you need to know about creating a VR experience in Unity. But first things first, what really is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality: A Brief Overview

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a headset with a screen or screens inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

Thanks to the “magic” of Virtual Reality, you’ll feel completely immersed in the game like physically running and kicking the ball- all while lounging on your couch!

Now to truly comprehend how VR works, let us talk about what Unity is and how it integrates VR technology to build such amazing experiences.

What is Unity?

Unity is a cross-platform game engine that is widely used for building virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences.

Today, more than 50% of games across mobile, PC, and console are made with Unity.

Using Unity, developers can create immersive VR experiences by building 3D environments and adding interactive elements, such as audio, video, and animations. Unity supports VR development for a wide range of VR devices, including the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR.

Unity can offer a lot of the crucial built-in features that are necessary for a game to function. That means things like:

  • Physics
  • 3D rendering

Additionally, the website features an ever-expanding “Asset Store,” which serves as a medium for developers to publish their works and make them available to the general public. This has given people a chance to compete with much larger organizations and is a game-changer for many, many independent creators and businesses.

Screenshot of Unity Asset Store. An object that you can use in your project or game is referred to as a Unity asset. A 3D model, an audio file, a picture, or any other type of file that Unity allows, even if it is developed outside of Unity, can be used as an asset.

Want stunning woodwork but lack the time to create one yourself? You can discover something through the asset store.

Want to include tilt controls in your game without having to spend hours fine-tuning the sensitivity? There’s surely an asset for that too!

As a result, the game creator is free to concentrate on creating a distinctive and enjoyable experience while only developing the features specific to that vision.

Why Unity is the Go-To VR Platform?

Learning the principles of game engines, their principal coding languages, and their plugins is a must for creating a VR experience in Unity.

The good news is that Unity allows you to accomplish a lot without much coding. However, knowing how to program will greatly expand your options for what you can accomplish.

In other words, learning Unity with C# is an excellent way to get started with coding, especially since C# is one of the programming languages that are more beginner-friendly

It’s also worth noting that Unity is compatible with all platforms, meaning that you can design VR experiences for almost all available technology, including PC, Linux, PlayStation, etc.

What Language does Unity use?

Unreal uses C# to handle code and logic, with a whole bunch of classes and API’s that you will need to learn. The good news is that it’s possible to get an awful lot done in Unity without needing to handle a lot of code. That said, understanding how to program will create many more options for what you can achieve, and Unity gives you the flexibility to change almost everything.

Luckily, C# is widely used in the industry and also shares a lot in common with other popular languages such as C and Java.

2 Main Elements of VR- 3DoF and 6DoF

The degree of freedom (DoF) determines the motion in a VR environment. When it comes to DoF in VR, there are two choices: 3 degrees of freedom (3DoF) or 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF).

3 degree of freedom
3DoF – Screenshot taken from Youtube.
6 degree of freedom
6DoF – Screenshot taken from Youtube.
Here’s a good visual explanation of 3DoF vs 6DoF
  • With 3DoF or Three Degrees of Freedom, only rotational motion can be tracked. In terms of the headgear, this implies that we can monitor if the user has tilted their head up or down, turned their head left or right, or pivoted.
  • We can also track translational motion thanks to 6DoF. That implies that we can keep track of a user’s forward, backward, lateral, or vertical movement.

Basic Framework for Using VR in Unity

To create a VR experience in Unity, you will need to set up the project for VR development, create the VR environment, and add interactive elements.

Here are the general steps you can follow to create a VR experience in Unity:

Set up your Unity project for VR development

  1. Set up your Unity project for VR development
    • In the Unity Editor, go to Edit > Project Settings > Player.
    • In the Inspector window, under the XR Settings section, check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox.
    • Select your target VR platform (e.g. Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR) from the list of Virtual Reality SDKs.

  2. Create your VR environment:
    • Use Unity’s 3D modeling and level design tools to create a 3D environment for your VR experience.
    • Add interactive elements to the environment, such as audio, video, and animations.

  3. Add interactivity to the VR environment:
    • Create scripts to control the behavior of objects in the VR environment.
    • Use Unity’s built-in VR components and scripts to allow the user to move around and interact with objects in the environment.

  4. Test and debug your VR experience:
    • Use Unity’s Play Mode to test your VR experience in the Editor.
    • Use Unity’s debugging tools to identify and fix any issues with your VR experience.

  5. Build and deploy your VR experience:
    • Use Unity’s build tools to create a build of your VR experience for the target VR platform.
    • Deploy the build to the VR device and test it to ensure it is functioning correctly.

Build and deploy your VR experience

Note: These are general steps and the actual process of creating a VR experience in Unity may vary depending on your specific requirements and the complexity of your project.

Workflow we follow for Game Development on Unity

  1. Game Designing – It’s the pre-production phase where we finalize the narrative, game structure, and gameplay rules and document all the details in the Game Development Document (GDD).

  2. Concept Art – Based on GDD, the style and look of a game are created. The concept artist also creates turnarounds for characters, enemies, environments, and other in-game objects. It is to facilitate 3D visualization.

  3. Game Assets Creation – Once the concept art is finalized, 3D & 2D modelers create the required 3D or 2D object on its basis.

  4. Animation – Now, after the models are created, they are animated as per the game design. Hence, we can go for Rigged human body animation or inorganic animation as per requirement.

  5. Level Designing – Here, we create the stages of the game. Level designing consists of determining player capabilities, obstacles, game mechanics, and discoverable elements for a positive user experience.

  6. Game Mechanics Creation – Once the levels are ready, we move to game mechanics creation. Game mechanics include the base programming of the game. It establishes the rules governing interactions between gamers and the game.

  7. AI integration – Now, we integrate AI into the game. It’s to generate responsive, adaptive, or intelligent behaviors in the non-player characters (NPCs), environmental objects, and others.

  8. Game Optimization – Optimization helps increase the game’s performance for better gameplay and visual experience. This process ensures that the game works at the same level across a wide range of hardware specs.

  9. Game Testing – In this stage, the testers identify, document, and resolve issues for game quality.

  10. Publishing – Lastly, the game is published on different platforms. Here the cross-platform capability of Unity comes into play.

Finding your way around Unity

You might feel a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of windows, icons, and options when Unity initially starts up. Fortunately, things are easier than they seem.

Following are the primary windows you’ll be observing and what each one does:


By default, this displays a lengthy list of every GameObject in your “scene” on the far left. This makes it simple for you to find and choose any part of your game to modify its properties. Simply put, “game objects” are things that you include in your game.

(The fundamental objects in Unity that represent people, objects, and landscapes are called GameObjects.)


This is a large window in the center of the Unity program. This displays a perspective of the scene—also known as the level, menu, or game world—that you are now operating in. You can easily drag and drop, resize, and grow GameObjects in this window.


This can be accessed by clicking the tab at the top and is typically concealed beneath the Scene window. The Game View displays your scene as it appears in the game. This implies that you won’t be able to manipulate objects and will instead have the same viewpoint as the camera. Additionally, this is where the game runs when you test it.

Asset Store

Additionally located on a tab, the asset store gives you access to “assets” created by the community.


This window can be located on the UI’s far right side. You may see and modify the properties of a chosen GameObject in the Inspector. This could entail altering the size (scale), positioning (transform), or adding “components” like colliders or C# script.


The project window, found at the bottom of your screen, will display every file that goes into creating your game. You can create C# scripts here, then choose to open them in Unity. If you want to use 3D files or textures in your game, you can easily drag and drop them here.


The console is the last place where you can view data from Unity itself. This will inform you of any faults or warnings in your code as well as any setup-related problems with the Unity software.


Virtual Reality technology has a promising future. There are already so many applications for it, and there will be many more in the future. The virtual reality industry is currently seen as a technology with the highest projected potential; it is predicted that virtual reality investment will multiply considerably in the coming years. 

Businesses can achieve new heights thanks to Virtual Reality in Unity, which also offers unparalleled prospects for immersive experiences. VR appears to have the potential to revolutionize the way we view technology in just five years!

Well, at Queppelin, you can hire our top-notch team of Unity developers. Our team of professionals can help you with project of any size.

The post Develop Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences in Unity appeared first on Queppelin.

Top 3 Influential Unreal Engine Projects developed in 2022 Mon, 31 Oct 2022 10:18:20 +0000 Metaverse, the word is everywhere, and rightly so. It is a humongous $13 trillion opportunity that businesses are keen to cash in and can’t afford to lose. Not a day passes without a brand declaring its entry into the digital world via an innovative use case and, thereby, fueling the already soaring competition.  Moreover, these use cases […]

The post Top 3 Influential Unreal Engine Projects developed in 2022 appeared first on Queppelin.

Metaverse, the word is everywhere, and rightly so. It is a humongous $13 trillion opportunity that businesses are keen to cash in and can’t afford to lose. Not a day passes without a brand declaring its entry into the digital world via an innovative use case and, thereby, fueling the already soaring competition. 

Moreover, these use cases offer mindblowing experiences and heighten users’ expectations every time. Users are craving increasingly immersive experiences with hyper-realistic graphics that take their breath away. The combination of high expectations and competition is forcing businesses to choose the best development platform and best development partners.

This is where the Unreal Engine is finding its takers. The gaming platform has expanded beyond gaming since its latest generation, Unreal Engine 5, hit the market in April 2022. It offered a range of tools well-suited to develop detailed open worlds of the metaverse. Moreover, its new features like World Partition, Nanite, and Lumen have not only rendered high visuals but made it fast and democratic. Thus, these high visuals can run on any machine including those with low configuration.

Queppelin has employed the Unreal engine platform for some of its metaverse projects. The mesmerizing visuals and the whole experience resulted in our client successfully meeting their audience’s expectations. Here, in this blog, we’re discussing our latest Unreal engine projects that we’ve worked on to assist our clients make a splash in the metaverse.

Unreal Engine Project #1 – Supermarket in Metaverse for the Retail Industry

  • Project – Digital Twin of Retail Store
  • Industry – Retail

Queppelin’s team developed a retail supermarket in the metaverse. It is a three-dimensional virtual equivalent of a retail outlet we see in the real world. We built dedicated sections for each product category as is visible in the video provided above.

Like a real-world store, this supermarket in the metaverse boasted a wide range of product categories. It included electronics, clothing, accessories, gift items, baby products, personal care products, kitchenware, and much more.

Users can enter this retail store in their 3D digital avatar. They can wear the VR headset or access it through the website directly. Once they are there, they can move around and explore products arranged systematically on the shelf like in a real store. Their avatar can pick up the product and look at it while product details flash on one side of the screen.

They can even wear a wearable product. Notably, users need to enter their measurement details before entering the virtual store to show the stock of the right size. If they like the product, they can choose to buy it right from there. The product will be delivered to their real-world address.

Touching upon the technical aspects, as it was a graphically-intensive project, we used Unreal’s Pixel Streaming technique. For this, we hosted the application on an AWS server with high-grade Tesla GPU drivers for successful and reliable execution of the same.

This resulted in the rapid loading of high-quality graphics, even on devices with lower configurations. A smooth and memorable retail experience for all kinds of audiences was our goal throughout the development, and we successfully achieved it. We also integrated an inbuilt web browser into the experience that could redirect any website as defined.

What is more interesting is that Metaverse brings the social component back to shopping making it more meaningful and enjoyable. While the 2D iteration of the internet enabled a home-based shopping experience but it also made it an isolated incident. Consumers could not indulge in shopping with their dear ones.

This is not the case with Metaverse shopping. In this Unreal Engine project, users could invite their friends to the retail store and shop together even if the individual is hundreds of miles away in the real world. Fun fact, in this retail shop, they can gather in the cafeteria of the store and emote dance. What a great way to enjoy shopping isn’t it?

Unreal Engine Project #2 – Bank Customer Support in Metaverse

  • Project – Customer Support in Metaverse
  • Industry – Banking

Before we jump onto the Unreal project details consider these facts. As per a survey by HubSpot, 59% of customers value personalization while 53% prefer speed when approaching customer service.

On the other hand, 92% will switch to another brand after a maximum of 3 bad experiences or even earlier. Thus, it is all about offering a better user experience through customer support and making them feel better. Customer service is a critical component and can make or break a business.

This is what we had in mind when we suggested one of our clients for metaverse customer support. We aimed to help them offer a highly personalized customer support service with faster issue resolution.

In that project, our team set up a metaverse branch for one of our banking clients. This metaverse offers all the customer support services that an IVR can offer. However, as an added advantage, it made customer support hassle-free and fast.

Like any of our other metaverse projects, customers can wear their VR headsets or access the experience through the existing business website.

They get teleported into the metaverse branch of the bank where they can see different booths for different issue categories. Till now, in the IVR setup, users needed to traverse through all the options in the list before reaching the customer care representative. This elongated the resolution time and annoyed the customer even further who was already facing an issue and looking for a speedy resolution.

But now, in this metaverse, customers will directly go to the booth relevant to their issue. For example, users with Card related issues can go to Booth S1 while customers with Saving Account related issues can reach out to booth S3. As apparent, the user with issues related to their account does not have to traverse through S1 and S2 to reach S3.

We also integrated Artificial Intelligence into the experience to offer a personalized experience for automated operation and faster resolution. As a result, the users were greeted and treated as per their moods and behavior thanks to the NLP component of AI.

Moreover, if the customer needs to talk to a real person, they can choose to talk to the customer care representative available 24*7 at the service. Here, in this case, we facilitated a conversation between two real people situated in different locations.

Metaverse facilitated immersive interaction between these two people where they can see the avatar of each other present in the same room. This resulted in a great user experience through one-on-one interaction between avatars.

The metaverse branch brought multiple advantages.

  • First, it reaffirmed the trust of annoyed customers in the bank. Once they saw the elaborate set-up just to resolve their issue they were convinced that they will get the resolution.
  • Next, the fast and easy customer service reinforced their trust in the brand and enhanced customer loyalty towards the brand.
  • 68% of customers are willing to pay more for products and services from a brand with a strong record of good customer service.

Thus, metaverse customer support is a better option for customers and offers businesses better earning opportunities.

Unreal Engine Project #3 – Building Luxury Residential Property in Metaverse

  • Project – Digital Twin of Luxury Residential Property
  • Industry – Real Estate

For one of our clients in the real estate sector, we developed a 3D digital architecture. Our client wanted to build their luxury residential project in the metaverse. They wanted high-quality visuals with the utmost details. We created their property in the metaverse using the Unreal Engine’s Architectural Visualization capability for faster development with a true-to-life appearance.

As you can see in the video, we developed the complete architecture and the interior with meticulous care. The client could offer a tour of the property to their customers by sharing the link to their metaverse.

In the first instance, the customer sees the property from a birds-eye view. They can see the complete layout of the property along with the interior all at once through a transparent roof. They can also see the neighboring area and the local amenities therein from different angles.

Next, when they can choose to enter the property, they get a view from the first-person perspective. They can see the rooms, furniture, and other household effects. We developed these household articles to scale so that customers acquire a clear-cut understanding of the ambiance.

Moreover, we made the 3D digital property interactive and customizable. So, whether it was the flooring, the lighting, the walls, or the furniture, users can change the color, texture, and material of objects placed in the 3D digital property.

For example, as you can see in the video, the user preferred a wooden floor over other options and changed it as per the choice. Similarly, they can change the color of the walls, lighting installation points, color of other homeware.

Like our Retail Supermarket project, this too involved Pixel Streaming for a high-quality experience. We used real-time light rendering to add realism and the Nanite feature of the Unreal Engine to handle millions and billions of real-time polygons.

This helped our clients offer a 3D immersive experience to their prospects. The high-quality visuals attracted a lot of eyes and resulted in a higher number of sales of such properties of our client.


The new era of digital life has arrived and is bustling with opportunities. The business prospects it offers are huge by all means, and brands across industries, are exploring the digital world for business expansion. They are vying for buyers and offering unprecedented experiences to catch more eyes. Unreal engine is one of the best tools when it comes to eye-catching visuals as we saw in the above use-case of metaverse development by Queppelin.

We, at Queppelin, offer you a complete package for your unreal engine development. First, we offer our experience as one of the top 10 metaverse development companies. Second, we provide you with a team of experts to develop your Unreal Engine projects. Combined together, we get you a high-performing metaverse with photorealistic visuals for your metaverse projects that meet high expectations from the user. Discuss your next project with us at

The post Top 3 Influential Unreal Engine Projects developed in 2022 appeared first on Queppelin.

Play-to-Earn vs Move-to-Earn: Earn while Gaming in Metaverse Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:40:42 +0000 The world of gaming is constantly changing and, in fact, has changed to a great extent. With the assistance of revolutionizing technologies like Web 3.0 and Blockchain, it is becoming more and more decentralized. These disruptions are developing an ecosystem termed Gamefi. It is an improved arrangement that perfectly combines gaming and finance. Hence, users […]

The post Play-to-Earn vs Move-to-Earn: Earn while Gaming in Metaverse appeared first on Queppelin.

The world of gaming is constantly changing and, in fact, has changed to a great extent. With the assistance of revolutionizing technologies like Web 3.0 and Blockchain, it is becoming more and more decentralized.

These disruptions are developing an ecosystem termed Gamefi. It is an improved arrangement that perfectly combines gaming and finance. Hence, users can now obtain real-world benefits from the time and energy they invest into the game.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The players are rewarded with assets that they can trade to avail monetary benefits. Plus, no one can take away these benefits, thanks to blockchain.

There are different models of earning these financial benefits. The two most prominent among them are Play-to-Earn and Move-to-Earn. Here, we will discuss these two popular metaverse gaming models and compare them with each other. Additionally, we will discuss how the new gaming world is emerging with more power at the hands of users.

What is Play-to-Earn (P2E)?

Play to Earn is a gaming setup with blockchain as an essential component. It utilizes the Distributed Ledger Technology to introduce Defi capabilities into the game. This means that as soon as a gamer achieves a predefined milestone, they are rewarded a gaming asset as part of an inbuild smart contract.

These milestones vary with different games. It can be either the game-time spent, a particular level reached, a new feat accomplished, a new skill gained, etc.

Also, the rewards earned are proportional to the player’s performance in the game. This means that the more they play, the better they get and the more they earn.

But hold on for a second, the most important aspect is yet to come. That is, these rewards are completely eligible to be sold on the in-game marketplace or to be traded on a crypto exchange to earn cryptocurrencies. This fetches real-world money and opens up new financial opportunities.

The underlying ledger technology enables Defi capabilities to reward the player and store the gaming assets along with the owner’s identity. This facilitates the trade in these assets and opens up real-world financial opportunities.

What is Move-to-Earn (M2E)?

This one is gaining takers quite rapidly. The gaming setup goes by the name Move-to-Earn which means you earn for moving around.

Well, that was quite obvious, one would say moving is a generic term, and most of our actions fall into it. Tell me something I don’t know, like what is the exact move I need to make to earn. 

So, to earn rewards, the user needs to choose a healthier lifestyle. 

That’s not helping either I guess.

Ok, let’s look closely, you need to indulge in activities like exercising, walking, swimming, fitness challenges, etc., to get rewards points in return.

The activities and rewards may vary from one Move to Earn game to another. However, one constant is that the payment is in the form of native utility tokens.

Also, these games use smartphones or fit bands to track user performance and upload the data onto the move-to-earn app. The app then assesses the data and sees if it qualifies for the reward. 

The rewarded tokens can either be used to buy things within the app or be traded on the internal marketplace or external exchange for cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, some apps also offer additional rewards like enhancing the insurance amount or reducing the premium which helps reduce the pressure on exchanges to sell the token and prevents the values of the token from toppling down.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) vs Move-to-Earn (M2E)

From the user’s point of view, both of these earning methods may appear the same to the user. They need to indulge in an enjoyable activity and earn without toiling hard. However, both of these systems are quite different.

Two main differences are between the reward system and the revenue model, as we can deduce from the above sections.

However, to put it together for clear comparison, we can see that while the P2E model rewards playing a game in the metaverse world, the M2E model rewards the user for movement in the real world.

Secondly, P2E rewards your performance in the game, the better you play the more you are rewarded. On the other hand, M2E rewards the user for their effort, the more they push themselves to stay active the more they are rewarded.

Here, you might also notice that the M2E might not qualify as a true game it is more of an enjoyable activity that users need to indulge in to earn. For example, they can even dance their way to earn, but dancing and gaming are different, don’t you think?

This is where the other difference pops up. While P2E is an outright game, M2E might not be.

The other area where we can see the deviation is that P2E has established itself as a sustainable concept. However, despite gaining huge popularity M2E is still finding ways to hold ground, and only time will tell its true value.

Here is a table to summarize the above differences.

ComponentsPlay to EarnMove to Earn
Rewarding SystemSkilled gamers earn more.More effort more earning, even if you are new.
Revenue ModelYou need to play a game in the metaverse world to earn.You need to move and be active in the real world.
CategoryGame play-based earning modelAction-based earning model
ConceptMoved from a fad to an established concept.Yet to be established as a concept.

The New Era Of Decentralized Gaming

Imagine you are a hardcore online gamer. You deep dive into the game at every chance you get. You have been playing it for quite some time and have progressed through the challenging levels that many find impossible to pass.

Throughout this long journey into the game, you have garnered a huge hoard of treasure that includes the rarest of rare gems. Your player’s skin, accessories, and ammunition are the envy of thousands of other gamers. You are proud of your skills, and achievements as well as being a celebrity in that gaming realm. Living the dream life.

But, one fateful day, the developers of the game decided to release an update that changes everything. You have lost fifty percent of your hard-earned bounty. Your game characters’ skin and ammunition got locked, and your accessories have just vanished from the face of the earth.

Your kingdom in the game topples down to rubble in front of your eye leaving you devastated. From living a dream, you are now surviving a nightmare.

This is one of the many scenarios that depict the horrors of a centralized setup. The sole controlling authority can steer the game in any direction and introduce changes of any sort disregarding gamers’ stake in it.

Such exclusive unquestionable control is fueling the calls for revolutionizing gaming. Gamers are demanding more control over their gaming assets and deciding what to do with them.

One such revolutionizing concept is Gamefi, which allows players to earn rewards and have complete control over their earnings. Play to Earn (P2E), Move to Earn (M2E) and other earning methods are part of the Gemfi ecosystem. In the next segment, we will discuss the concept of Gamefi.

Interesting fact: Before moving to the concept, I think you should know an interesting fact. The above-mentioned story is loosely based on the real-life incident of Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum. He talked about the incident in his biography that he lost his precious game asset, or say, the assets got ‘nerfed’ due to a game update.

The incident left him badly hurt and initiated the domino effect that lead to the birth of Ethereum, a decentralized, open-source blockchain with its native currency.

Today, Ethereum is the second largest blockchain network in the world and is the bedrock of many decentralized gaming setups. 

What is Gamefi?

The word Gamefi is a portmanteau of two words – game and finance. As you can guess, this genre combines gaming with finance, and no it is not gambling.

These are blockchain-based games built over the decentralized framework of Web 3.0. They offer rewards and incentives in return for a specific player’s act. A smart contract embedded into the underlying blockchain ensures that as soon as the player meets the condition, they receive the designated rewards.

Depending upon the game, the rewarding act can be anything from progressing in the game or doing specific real-world activities like jumping, dancing, walking, or working out.

As a result of these acts, players have a chance to win Crypto tokens, new avatars, in-game accessories, character skins, weapons, spells, potions, etc. in a Gamefi setup. It can be anything on the earth.

However, the thing is, the reward matters less as compared to the value it holds in the real world.

Gamefi allows users to earn these rewards and these assets possess liquidity as well. They can be traded in their respective exchanges, just like real-world assets.

This is like living a gamer’s fantasy, earning money while playing the game.

I mean, what else can you ask for in a competitive world?

Just play your favorite game, day in and day out, and see your bank balance inflate. No entrepreneurial risks, no business stakes, no pesky bosses, no toxic corporate politics, nothing, just pure fun.

Further, the underlying technologies like blockchain and Web 3.0 allow players to transact in the gaming assets in the safest manner possible.

While Web 3.0 takes care of decentralization by storing it on multiple servers worldwide, blockchain keeps an immutable track of the ownership of these assets. So, digital assets are available to the whole world with solid ownership proof. This ownership can be transferred whenever the legal owner chooses to do so.


Traditional games confined gamers to a closed-end model. First of all, the players have to pay to play the game. Then, they needed to spend hours after hours in search of in-game rewards and unlock bounties, grinding themselves in the repetitive tasks to progress through the game levels.

In the end, players were not allowed to own the assets they earned, let alone sell them. They were dependent on the gaming company, which could take away their rewards anytime.

Hence, the advent of a decentralized and democratized incarnation of gaming was inevitable. You can see it as the evolutionary successor to traditional games that empowers the players and brings back value to their hard work.

For this, it uses methods like Play to earn and Move to earn. Additionally, more earning/rewarding gaming methods are hitting the market, like Create to Earn and Sleep to Earn.

Gamefi ecosystem is not just about rewarding the user but tends to sustain a whole virtual economy of its own. The embedded crypto tokens are regulated through clear and well-defined rules of tokenomics, i.e., the supply and demand of their currency.

At, Queppelin, we have a team of Metaverse experts that can convert your Metaverse Gaming idea into reality, as we’ve done for so many of our clients. Get in touch with us at to discuss this further.

The post Play-to-Earn vs Move-to-Earn: Earn while Gaming in Metaverse appeared first on Queppelin.

How Augmented Reality (AR) is changing the Gaming Industry? Fri, 15 Jan 2021 10:14:57 +0000 Augmented Reality is now a fast-growing reality and trend in all technological industries. The gaming industry also realized the importance of AR after the exemplary success of Pokemon Go in 2016. Augmented Reality is often confused with Virtual Reality, and these two terminologies need to be separately defined in order to understand their significance. VR […]

The post How Augmented Reality (AR) is changing the Gaming Industry? appeared first on Queppelin.

Augmented Reality is now a fast-growing reality and trend in all technological industries. The gaming industry also realized the importance of AR after the exemplary success of Pokemon Go in 2016. Augmented Reality is often confused with Virtual Reality, and these two terminologies need to be separately defined in order to understand their significance.

VR & AR: Importance and Differences

VR puts to challenge some of our physical limits, modifying our quick experience of what’s genuine and disguising our feeling of being separate from what we’re “actually” seeing. Put on your VR goggles, and you enter another situation, encountered from a first-person perspective, the 360-degree point of view.

Like actuality, when you turn your head to one side or look into, the apprehension to look down or move in the direction of your left. While you realize you’re wearing goggles and earphones, you feel like you’ve been transported into some other world.

In Augmented Reality, a hypothetical universe is superimposed into the gaming environment. For example, Pokemon Go worked perfectly and stood as a model for the AR Gaming community. In fact, it gave game designers the basic idea for utilizing AR to get an advancement into their gaming features.

VR and AR integrated implementation has not found regular use yet. However, various game production houses are banking on this integration process to make their product more appealing. There are also some factors that can make VR-AR integration a steady force in the gaming industry.

VR-AR Integration: The 3-Dimensional Revival

3 Dimensional movies have attracted a great audience, but there are many more complications in this case. For example, 3D films involve exorbitant expenses, which may not be friendly to the films’ production budget. More are the complex graphics for a 3D game, more expensive it will be.

3D world is not new but it failed to make an appeal from the viewers. It is all because of high costing. AR and VR world well in movie Avatar and 3D earned popularity with it. The next concern is towards the gaming industry. However, with VR-AR implementation, the user gets immersive experience like real-life gaming. Hence, 3D effects will become the backbone of the gaming world.

Moreover, a VR headset is all you need and a joystick connected to the console or processor. With all these in place, just hop into the game. After its success with Pokemon Go, Niantic is also researching extensively on implementing this integration for its further projects. They may even consider remodeling Pokemon Go with this feature to bring a better appeal to the already hit game.

Use of Advance Consoles For Better Response and Feedback

With Augmented Reality entering the market, there will always be the need for upgraded and advanced equipment. One can use AR gaming consoles, which will come with better response and feedback, helping users explore more into the gaming world. Moreover, these consoles will come with a better response and feedback methodology as AR accelerates the user’s reaction, reducing hardware delay.

Augmented Reality can give potential gamers great assistance with gaming tours during any esports tournament or conferences. In the event that they can look at space early, they’re less disposed to face frustrations when they show up. Utilizing their work stations, guests can go on a 360-degree visit and snap-on explicit “Problem areas” to get acquainted with anything they see.

It isn’t just hotels or museums that are using AR/VR to help design their program. Social associations have jumped aboard with the transitory pattern as well. The Palm Springs Convention Center arranged in the USA dispatched a savvy 3D guide and virtual visit through a link with Concept3D. These types of events find great use during gaming conferences and sales.

Microsoft’s Attempts to Revolutionize AR

Microsoft has always been the king-maker and giant of the gaming industry for decades. Its games have found the appeal to almost all gaming communities of the world. For instance, Minecraft is a game that is considered one of the evergreens the world has seen.

If we consider Minecraft, Microsoft is planning on applying AR-VR and 3D modelling to make the game graphically appealing. Veteran gamers have a thorough understanding of Minecraft. However, new users do not like the game because of its obsolete graphics. Therefore, in order to attract the modern gaming community, these innovations will come really handy to market their yesteryear games along with their latest additions.

Minecraft Earth’s addition and announcement have brought a new frenzy into the gaming industry. In fact, the game suggests the integration of Satellite imagery of the actual world and using it to build up in Minecraft. This can turn pretty interesting and attract a similar frenzy as Pokemon Go did.

Understanding the unconventional applications of Virtual & Augmented Realities

Nearly all aspects of our business and individual lives have been improved through innovation and advancement in the shape or structure. Today, we live in a general public loaded with constant, on-request access to the world’s extensive archives of data and any item or service we choose to pick, regardless of where on the planet we may be, from mere Personal Computers at our desks.

VR has been in play since the 80s, when Mr Jaron Lanier, one of its essential theoreticians and designers, fathered the term. VR sets have been utilized in remedial research for the treatment of fears since the mid-1990s. However, they’ve just recently begun to enter customer advertising. Why? It’s generally because phones end up so universal and economical with their high-goals screens, little implicit cameras, and movement identifiers.

AR and VR innovation is likewise crucial for advancement and R&D to have a reason for the plan. In any case, we need clients to grasp why AR and VR characterize the best philosophy for them.

Revolutionary changes brought about by AR & VR in the Gaming Industry

VR and AR have engaged gamers very well to the gaming world. To provide a better and smooth experience to the players, developers have been working to bring up the right equipment. Thus in the present time, AR and VR are going to define a new gaming world.

Captive Experience

With technological advancement, the gaming world has come into a highly demanding sector to improve user experience. The smooth experience in gaming has made it challenging for users to differentiate in real and gaming life. AR and VR are supposed to be such a successful key to the gaming world.

Change in your lifestyle

It is not only about entertainment but the changes that AR and VR have brought in the lifestyle of a gamer. Even other sectors like education, medicine, tourism, and entertainment are adopting AR and VR technology. This will help them in gaining higher customer attention.

Real-Time Interaction

AR technology focuses to bring up the real and virtual world together. Thus it has become like a dream mid-path for the users to have a better experience. However, this digitization has acted like a complete game-changer for the manufacturers. Thus AR and VR are soon going to create a better engaging level for the players.

Features of Games

Games like Pokemon Go consume less data as they are set on a low-graphics gaming environment. Niantic did this to keep in mind that the set of audiences that would be playing from their phones would mainly be outdoors which would mean the usage of cellular networks and not high-speed fibre broadbands.

Therefore, the connections were taken into consideration before planning the game approach. This approach would surely change in this current scenario if the game is played on an Xbox or PlayStation sitting at home.

Therefore, it is easily understandable that external factors like gaming conditions, player’s internet connectivity, and device compatibility will obviously come into play once a game is being beta-tested or sent into the market. If gaming companies resolve these issues during production, there would be great reviews and the opposite would happen if not.

The gaming industry is so vast that once a company loses its repute by building a high and fancy game with negative reviews all around, no other game brought by the company may stand succeed in future.


With the advancement of technology, AR has brought up major changes in the gaming industry. Without any doubt, users are going to experience the real world replacement with the virtual world. Thus AR & VR have made a remarkable beginning to the gaming sector. Also, gamers are to bring new changes to the gaming world with much advancement.

The post How Augmented Reality (AR) is changing the Gaming Industry? appeared first on Queppelin.
