DevOps Archives - Queppelin AR | VR | AI Services Development Company Wed, 16 Feb 2022 13:45:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DevOps Archives - Queppelin 32 32 How DevOps Helps In Collaboration And Automation Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:57:14 +0000 DevOps is all about bringing more collaborations and automation, speeding the entire product development, deployment, and delivery. Developers, testers, and operations teams need to work in tandem. Email and messages are not suitable for such continuous and instant collaboration. So the question arises, how developers can share code and software with testers and how testers […]

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DevOps is all about bringing more collaborations and automation, speeding the entire product development, deployment, and delivery. Developers, testers, and operations teams need to work in tandem. Email and messages are not suitable for such continuous and instant collaboration. So the question arises, how developers can share code and software with testers and how testers will share their feedback, and so on. For this entire process, DevOps Consulting Services require tools so that people from different groups can communicate and collaborate easily at each and every step.

Previously, we had discussed “What is DevOps”, why and how traditional businesses need to move to DevOps. In this article, we will go through the elements of DevOps, what top DevOps Companies are doing for DevOps, and so on.

How Developers Will Share the Code with Operations


To share code with system administrations, Developers need a system where they can share codes. Containers fulfill this requirement.

Container…What Is It Doing in DevOps?


A software Container includes complete runtime environment i.e. applications and its dependencies, configuration files, libraries and binaries all are packed in one package. The encapsulation of applications and its dependencies and other elements inside a container is called containerization. It is an important part of the DevOps Process flow and modern software engineering.

The advantage is twofold:

  1. It simplifies the development, testing, and deployment of the code in DevOps.
  2. Solves the problems of how the software will run on another computing environment.

Containerization is just like a virtual machine which operates on its own operating system. As DevOps talk about the automation, collaboration, and better communications; it is what exactly containerization is meant to deliver with packaged software that can be easily shipped. Nowadays, Containerizations is going to a different level with Dockers, an open-source container tool.

What are Dockers?

Docker and Kubernetes

Docker is an open-source container tool which allows us to create lightweight VMS through code. It is meant to run on any environment including virtual machines, physical computers, clouds, bare metals, etc. It also helps in the deployment of the code as quickly as possible through various services in containers.

Docker consists of two parts, firstly it has various types of Containers also known as Docker VM’s and secondly, it has Docker Hub which is an online Docker’s VM sharing service. When we look from the base machine, we can see only a single process running for each docker instance but when we look from within the docker, we can see the whole system. Docker containers are built in such a way that testers, developers and administrators can simultaneously work together in code deployment in a faster way.

Challenges with Docker

With the increased use of containerization and Docker, DevOps Solution providers need to maintain many containers. Some enterprises need to maintain hundreds or thousands of containers. In such a situation, it becomes a challenge to maintain how all these containers will be coordinated or scheduled.

What to Do to Manage a Large Number of Containers

To manage the life cycle of all containers in such a large and dynamic environment, Container orchestration tools are needed. Well, there are various orchestration tools available though Kubernetes is considered as a standard one.   


Kubernetes allows DevOps practitioners to deliver a self-service Platform-as-a-service which creates a hardware layer abstraction for development teams. Another reason for the popularity of Kubernetes is its extreme portability feature. Originally, it was started by Google but nowadays you can see some of the cloud service providers have Kubernetes-as-a-service such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Moving of workloads don’t require application redesigning or completely rethinking of your infrastructure. Thus organizations can standardize on one plat avoiding vendor lock-in.

What to Choose


If we are talking about DevOps, we must know that it is more than a single process, practice or tool. There is a series of practices such as Continuous development that includes planning and coding phase of DevOps lifecycle. Continuous integration is all about connecting the configuration management (CM), test, and development tools. Continuous Monitoring includes monitoring of code development and its underlying infrastructure and many more. All of the practices require tools and there are many of them available. So which will be your choice? And, the answer to all these depends on your requirement and the complexity of your job.

To overcome your anxiety for finding a solution, you can contact our DevOps Consulting Services. If you need any help you could drop a mail at

The post How DevOps Helps In Collaboration And Automation appeared first on Queppelin.

Why should Traditional Businesses move to DevOps? Tue, 30 Jul 2019 07:57:39 +0000 Development and operations are two important parts of a business. Both of them are always dedicated to making an organization more productive. Developers are creating and improving the applications whereas operations are managing the process of creation of products and services. Earlier, both teams used to work separately, the code used to be handed over […]

The post Why should Traditional Businesses move to DevOps? appeared first on Queppelin.

Development and operations are two important parts of a business. Both of them are always dedicated to making an organization more productive. Developers are creating and improving the applications whereas operations are managing the process of creation of products and services.

Earlier, both teams used to work separately, the code used to be handed over to the operations at the end. Now, both teams are working in coordination and this is called DevOps. Many businesses are moving to DevOps leaving behind the traditional approach.

Moving to Devops

Now the question that arises is why businesses need DevOps Culture Shift, in what ways DevOps process flow can help businesses, what are the benefits of DevOps Culture change, and how to move towards DevOps. We will see all the aspects of ‘moving to DevOps’ here.

Take a Look Back At Previous Days

Moving to DevOps

Earlier, Developers and administrators were working for different goals. Developers were mainly focused on building or developing features whereas operations were ensuring the availability, performance, reliability, and security features. The difference generally led to the situations of outages, blame-shifting, fire-fighting, customer frustrations, internal tension, and sometimes business failure.

Moving to DevOps

Here Comes the DevOps

DevOps, as the name itself implies Development+Opeartions, is a union of developers and operations that are working with the enhanced collaborations and automation. It is a set of practices or tools or a philosophy that:

  • Shortens the iteration cycle
  • Releases new functions
  • Increases collaboration between developers and operations

What Are The Benefits of moving to DevOps?

moving to DevOps

Moving to DevOps make you faster

The process fastens your speed so that you can keep yourself in harmony with the market changes, innovate for your customers more frequently, grow rapidly and efficiently to drive business results, and many more.

Strengthen customer relationship

It will help you to create and improve your product in a short span of time. With DevOps Culture shift, you will be able to introduce new features more frequently and fix bugs faster.

In this way, you can address your customers’ need in a better way and thus build a strong competitive advantage. Continuous integration and delivery will automate the entire software release operations from development to deployment.

DevOps process flow makes service, products, and processes reliable

Developers work in an environment of collaboration with other teams where everyone is responsible for quality in updates, infrastructure, and products.

These all are essential for delivering a satisfying result to the end-users. The process includes various practices such as continuous integration and delivery to ensure that every change and update is safe and functional.

Manages process with reduced risk

While moving to DevOps, you will be able to manage and operate your infrastructure and development processes in a risk-free manner. No matter how complex the system is, the process enables you to manage everything.

Also, you can do your job more efficiently with improved collaboration and automation with immunized risk.

Unmatchable collaboration

DevOps process flow helps businesses to build a strong and effective team that is focused on values including accountability and ownership. As developers and operations work more closely, they share responsibility and incline workflows accordingly.

Eventually, it saves time and enhances the efficiencies such as reduced handover time.

Strengthen the Security

While meeting compliance and control, work is also done quickly. Implementing automated compliance policies, configuration management tools, and fine-grained controls; every business can easily adopt a DevOps model without taking the risk of sacrificing with security.

Let’s Start DevOps… But How??

Moving to DevOps

Now the more prominent question is how a business can leave the traditional approach for a DevOps transformation journey. Moreover, the transition to DevOps requires a challenge in mindset and culture. Also, it is all about the elimination of the barriers between the two teams.

While moving to DevOps, an organization has to break down the silos and must not expect the employees to work and react accordingly. It will be quite unreal.

So here are a few things you can do:

  • If your people are uneasy with the DevOps culture changes you can align incentives for good work. People from both the teams can get a bonus for their work excellence in helping to build up the change. It will encourage them to embrace the change easily.
  • Hire DevOps expert. To deal with the new processes and tools, you must hire some expert who has extensive knowledge of DevOps tools.
  • It’s time to change the structure of your organization. Move your people according to their strength and capabilities and assign them tasks that they can do more efficiently.
  • Last but not least, create a team that will help others while moving to DevOps. If you are taking your traditional business to the DevOps, you need to operate some tools. Make a team that can manage the new process, tools, and help others to do their job.

Avoiding DevOps implementation in your business is a waste of time and increases the potential risk of delays in your projects. This may burden you with costly technical debts. There is never a better time to moving to DevOps. You will have to put in more effort if you delay implementing DevOps in your organization.

If you are thinking about moving to DevOps you need DevOps Consulting services, you need one of the best DevOps Solution providers. Drop a mail at for any requirement.

The post Why should Traditional Businesses move to DevOps? appeared first on Queppelin.
