Web AR Archives - Queppelin https://www.queppelin.com/category/web-ar/ AR | VR | AI Services Development Company Tue, 04 Apr 2023 06:36:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://www.queppelin.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-n-32x32.png Web AR Archives - Queppelin https://www.queppelin.com/category/web-ar/ 32 32 Why WebAR? How does WebAR work? https://www.queppelin.com/why-webar/ Tue, 04 Apr 2023 06:29:23 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=25655 Web AR is a way to access Augmented Reality(AR) experiences. It is gaining so much popularity because it’s super easy and readily available on-demand. So, on one hand, users can access AR hassle-free. On the other hand, businesses achieve better reach. Users can access WebAR through a web browser. They don’t need to buy any […]

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Web AR is a way to access Augmented Reality(AR) experiences. It is gaining so much popularity because it’s super easy and readily available on-demand. So, on one hand, users can access AR hassle-free. On the other hand, businesses achieve better reach.

Users can access WebAR through a web browser. They don’t need to buy any special device or download any high-end application. They just need an internet connection and a smartphone or tablet having a web browser, that’s it. That is why Web AR is also known as browser-based AR or Web-based AR. 

Users can click on the URL or scan a QR code that leads to the AR experience. Their mobile web browser will unfurl the experience through their camera and show it through the viewfinder. Like any other AR experience, they can see the digital AR elements and interact with them for an immersive experience.

WebAR has wide compatibility. Most of the popular operating systems, mobile devices, and web browsers support it without bumps. The experience may include images, animation, videos, and interactive 3D models. This brings us to an important question.

Why Web AR is one of the best marketing tools for businesses?

Web AR brings multiple benefits to businesses. The principal among them is the bypassing of the app route. Since users don’t need to download any application to access the experience, it results in wider reach, deeper engagement, and lesser bounce-backs. 

Further, WebAR is very simple to use for both the consumer as well as for the business. It is highly compatible and works seamlessly on all the popular platforms. Let’s discuss the advantages of WebAR in detail.

Easy to access, easy to share

We have already discussed this in the above section. Web AR experiences are super easy to access. Users just need the URL to the experience and they can immerse themselves in it anytime, anywhere. This ease Web AR offers make it stand out.

Along the same lines, businesses avail the ease of sharing experiences with Web AR. They can share it through digital or print ads, social media platforms, business websites, blogs, or other mediums. This helps them expand their reach, and thereby, expand their businesses. 

Optimum resource utilization and Pocket-friendly

While bypassing the app route has evident advantages for Web AR users, benefits for businesses go even further. 

One of the eye-widening advantages is its contribution toward optimum business resource utilization. First, businesses don’t need to incur the app development cost, a huge cost in itself. Second, businesses can put their human resource into high-yielding projects. This saves your financial and human resources from a huge burden. After all, lesser hassles mean easy business and better growth prospects

Moreover, Creating Web AR experiences is not only simple but also very pocket friendly. For example, you can subscribe to Queppelin’s Vossle platform and create as many experiences as you want. The cost incurred here is merely a fraction of what it takes for an app development cycle.  Any person with good business acumen would choose it for its quality and price.

Higher engagement with a deeper impression

To build a strong brand, it is vital to leave a more profound impression on the audience. This way they better retain the brand’s name adding to the top-of-the-mind brand awareness. Equally important is reaching a wider audience. This helps in faster brand building and enhances revenue. 

Web AR brings you both the benefits. It lets users interact with the 3D models placed in their real-world environment. Thus, it is more like they are living the experience. This results in better engagement with the brand and leaves a deeper impression on the user compared to unilateral images and videos.

On the other hand, it can easily reach more and more people. Anyone with a smartphone can access the experience. If we talk in terms of numbers, around 7.26 Billion smartphones are making up over 91% of the world’s population. So more and more people get deeply engaged with your brands with Web AR.

No updates required

Brands do not need to update Web AR experiences time and again. They can just create and share it as many times in different ways as they want. 

Similarly, users, too, don’t even need to install and update experiences like in the case of software applications. 

Hence it saves the additional recurring cost, time, and other resources for both businesses and consumers.

Faster to create and deploy

Platforms like Vossle, by Queppelin, help you create Web AR experiences faster. First, you need to get your 3D models created. Then, you can just register for free, fill in the details, upload your 3D models and the experience is ready. 

The link and the QR code are provided at the end of experience creation. You can share with your audience in any way you want. Anyone with the link or QR code can access the experience. 

Moreover, in case you want to create a tryon, Queppelin has taken it further. The Web AR experiences created on Vossle put the digital wearable right away. No need for a detailed scan or image upload like other platforms. You can try it yourself with free registration and free trial available. 

Wider Compatibility Spectrum

Web AR experiences are compatible with a range of web browsers as well as devices including operating systems. While it smoothly runs like Google Chrome, Safari, and others. They also easily run on smartphones and tablets with Operating systems like Microsoft’s Windows, iOS, Android, etc.

This is one of the reasons why Web AR reaches more audience than any other marketing strategy. Moreover, if people love the experience they tend to share it with others. Since they can do it easily with Web AR, it results in a higher probability of the experience going viral.

How WebAR works?

As is apparent, Web AR makes the most out of the existing mobile software and hardware to overlay 3D virtual elements in the real world. For the hardware part, it utilizes the orientation, gyroscope, RGB camera, accelerometer, and magnetometer.

Utilizing the above instruments Web AR executes six degrees of freedom, scene understanding, camera stream, and cloud-based CMS. Let’s look at them one by one.

Six Degrees of Freedom (6DoF)

Six degrees of freedom means the freedom of movement of a rigid body in a three-dimensional space. WebAR tracks a model’s three axes of orientation i.e. yaw around the normal axis, pitch around the transverse axis, and roll around the longitudinal axis. The other three axes of position are the body movements like forward/backward (surge), up/down (heave), and left/right (sway).

Camera Stream

Camera Stream is for synchronizing the virtual and real world. So, when the user moves the camera the digital object should carry out the corresponding movement following the predefined movements around axes. Also, the RGB camera is used here to provide perspective and field of view.

Scene Understanding

Scene understanding refers to mapping a surface and assessing the surrounding light to place a 3D object and make it look realistic.

Cloud-Based CMS

Cloud-based Content management system(CMS) gives users access to the AR experience from anywhere, at any time. A QR code or a URL act as a triggering link.  These triggers can be placed anywhere online or offline medium. 

How Industries can utilize Web AR?

Web AR is capable of delivering all sorts of AR experiences over the internet. Thus, it offers highly customizable AR experiences to brands in different industries.


Brands operating in the fashion industry can utilize the AR tryon. Through this feature, they can let users try their apparel, footwear, watches eyewear, jewelry, and even the cosmetics like lipsticks, eye-liner, eye shadows, tattoos, masks, etc. This helps the customer take decisions faster and thus, improves sales.

Queppelin created AR Tyron for India’s biggest jewelry retailers Tanishq. Users can try the true-to-life AR jewelry and have a clear idea about the piece.

Home Decor & Furniture

Home decore and furniture businesses can use the markerless AR experiences. It will place the object right into the users place. They can check if the size is right, they have enough space or if the styling and color goest with the interior. It also helps in reducing returns up to 30% and increase the business income.


Tourist industry can use the AR teleportation to give a glimpse of the tourist. Users can check the attractions, activities and places to visit right from their couches. This will add to their experience right at the time of planning and leave them wanting for more. A sure-shot strategy ti attract more footfall.


In the entertainment industry and immersive layer of AR will make multiply fun. The images bring to life, music can me watched, and games can be made more realistic. It will outclasses all other forms of entertainment. 


Augmented Reality is the attractive more and more people everyday. It add a new dimension to our reality which viewer can resist. They want to explore it more and brand need to captatlize on their desire. WeB AR is the most easiest version of AR and no doubt it would be the most popular one in the future.

Nothing can match the benefits of Web AR for business. It has a wider reach, engages the audience deeply, easy to create, easy to share and, most importantly, cost effective. Brands can share in what ever way they want and user can access wherever they are.

Queppelin gets you all sorts of AR experiences with high stability and smooth operation. Feel free to reach and explore the potential of AR with us.

The post Why WebAR? How does WebAR work? appeared first on Queppelin.

What is 10K NFT? How to create NFT 10K Collection? https://www.queppelin.com/10k-nft-collection-project/ Wed, 29 Jun 2022 13:31:14 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=20179 In December 2021, a digital art NFT collection of 10,000 weird-looking apes aptly titled Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) overtook CryptoPunks as the highest-priced NFTs. The Ethereum-based collection comprised pictures of apes wearing various expressions mostly that of getting bored and having diverse yet unconventional traits like golden fur, laser eyes, etc. In April 2022, the cheapest […]

The post What is 10K NFT? How to create NFT 10K Collection? appeared first on Queppelin.

In December 2021, a digital art NFT collection of 10,000 weird-looking apes aptly titled Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) overtook CryptoPunks as the highest-priced NFTs.

The Ethereum-based collection comprised pictures of apes wearing various expressions mostly that of getting bored and having diverse yet unconventional traits like golden fur, laser eyes, etc. In April 2022, the cheapest NFT of this collection stood at around $430,000. This was astronomically high from their launching value of the whole collection of $190 last year on April 23, 2021.

Additionally, these NFTs dually act as membership cards to the prestigious Yacht Club and bring various benefits. Members get access to an exclusive Discord server where celebrity members like Jimmy Fallon and Justin Beiber may also join. They get rewarded with perks like free additional NFTs or tokens of the valuable ApeCoin. Lastly, of course, they can always flaunt their ownership of these elite NFTs through their profile picture on Twitter. Sounds incredible? It is. All these starry rewards that BAYC offers have perked up people to grab one of these odd-looking weirdos.

BAYC is the most premium example of how 10K NFTs have the potential to rule the market. These collections are high in demand and are a fantastic tool to build an exclusive community and open exceptional financial avenues that never existed before. 

In this blog, we will discuss 10K NFTs as comprehensively to know what they are, how they are created, and, more importantly, explore the reasons being their popularity. 

What is 10K NFT?

To get a grasp on 10K NFT, we have to first comprehend the concept of NFTs. NFT or Non-fungible Tokens are digital tokens that can be used to establish ownership of digital assets. Till now, there wasn’t a perfect way to trace ownership as it was very easy to copy digital items and there was no way to differentiate the original one from the copied one. However, NFTs can offer a solution with the help of Blockchain technology. NFT establishes the uniqueness and records their ownership on the distributed ledger which is near impossible to alter.

Moreover, NFTs can also represent a real-world object on a digital platform. These objects tend to have a perceived value in the real world. Attaching NFTs to such objects allows their digital manipulation. 

Coming to the main topic of the 10K NFT collection. The collection is more about arts, which are a little bizarre and evoke peculiar feelings in the viewer. These artworks are generated through an algorithm working on traits.

Traits are the building blocks of 10K NFTs that are overlaid on each other in different combinations to create artwork-NFTs. The algorithm keeps on generating new combinations and registering them as NFTs until the count of ten thousand is reached. 

NFTs created thereby are unique, rare, non-reproducible, unpredictable, and fixed in supply. We will discuss these features in detail in the coming section.  

These features along with other factors contribute value and popularity of the 10K NFTs. They make them a great digital asset and create an ecosystem of an exclusive community evident in the case of Bored Ape Yacht Club discussed in the introductory part above. 

What are the main features of 10K NFTs collection as a digital asset?

Four main features underpin the high valuation of the 10K NFT collection as a great digital asset.


10K NFTs are a collection of unique artwork. The creators of the collections build them around a distinct theme, which brings uniqueness and thereby value to the collection. 


10K NFT collection is infused with the rarity. This is over and above their uniqueness factor. As we know that NFT collections are nothing but a combination of different traits. In the process, some traits are purposely made rare. 

For this, the creator specifies some special traits. The algorithm uses these specified traits to make certain artwork in the collection rare. 

An example would make things simple. Imagine a collection of NFTs is to be created with colorful backgrounds The color choices are Red, Blue, Green, and Gold. The trait of golden background is specified as a rare trait. Therefore, the algorithm utilizes the golden background only once or twice while it uses the other colors quite generously. 

At the end of the process, we get a collection of unique NFTs having colored backgrounds but those with the golden background are only one or two in the whole collection of ten thousand. This makes the golden NFTs rarer in the whole collection.


Now, comes the non-reproducible aspect. Their identity along with the ownership record is guaranteed through blockchain technology. Blockchain technology in collaboration with the NFT marketplace ensures that there are no NFTs with the same artwork and token, whether within the same or in the other collection. 

This implies that the NFTs cannot be copied or replicated and are not interchangeable. 

Limited Supply

The high values of an NFT is also a result of its limited supply. These NFTs are generated in a pre-defined number such as 10K, 20K, or 100K. Once the collection of NFTs is generated the supply is limited to those numbers only.


As these NFTs are generated through a computer algorithm and not by manual efforts, the actual output of 10,000 NFTs stays a little unpredictable to the human mind. This is because the traits can be mixed in any combination. This builds up the excitement and curiosity around it as well as adds to the value of the collection.

What is 10K in 10K NFT? Can there be more like this?

As we discussed in the above section, 10K stands for ten thousand i.e. the number of NFTs that we get at the end of successful algorithm execution, the number of NFTs we get as the result of successful algorithm execution.

Moreover, there can be more NFT collections like these such as 20K NFTs with a count of twenty thousand NFTs. Similarly, there can be 100K NFTs or, even the latest and trending one, NFT 8888.

What makes 10K NFTs so popular?

10K NFTs gained a lot of attention as the profile pictures on the major social media platforms especially that of the celebrities having millions of followers. People were using them to flaunt their social profiles. Additionally, late in 2021, their popularity soared further on the back of Metaverse. They were seen as the characters that can come alive in the new virtual world. Let’s give a closer look at these reasons. 

Celebrity Connection

If one thing that single-handedly popularised NFTs, it is the celebrities, hands down. Not only had they spent fortunes on purchasing these pricey digital assets but they also made sure that the world knows about it. They collaborated with different metaverse platforms to have their presence in the virtual world and indulge in the trading of NFTs.

When it comes to 10K NFTs, many celebrities bought from the famous NFTs collections and put them out as their social media profile. As it happens, hundreds and thousands of their followers went crazy to get their piece of these NFTs. 

Some of the celebrities purchasing 10K NFTs are – Jay Z, Marshmello, and Heidi Klum purchasing CryptoPunks.  Eminem, Neyman Jr., and Justin Bieber got their hands on the Bore Apes.

Mainstream Entertainment 

10K NFT-based characters have the potential to find their way into mainstream entertainment. That is why many of the purchases of these collection has been drawn by this speculation only. 

There are two ways for it. First, either the NFT character themselves can come to life in a movie like that of the “The Degen Trilogy” announced by Coinbase, which plans to produce the animated series of short films. The project will require the NFT holders of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) to submit their apes to be considered as characters. The series is set to premiere at NFT.NYC. 

Another way is to be a “producer” of a film. An example in hand is that of Arabian Camels. The NFT-holders will partly fund the Hollywood movie titled Antara. They will own a part of the digital right and will also have a share in the box office collection.\

Till now the major beneficiaries of the NFT technology have been the gaming and the art industries, however, these developments indicate that the entertainment industry would be the next to boom with these crazy characters.

Membership Benefits

The next reason is an instinctive one as it attaches utility to the NFTs. The collections offer some of the very exclusive perks and bonuses to the 10K NFT community members. After all, buying such a pricey asset must come with some tempting advantages than just being a profile picture.

Although, the actual benefits will vary from one collection to another and depend upon the theme around which the collection is built. This includes the characters in the NFT collection, their traits, etc.

When it comes to 10K NFT collections, they offer benefits at two levels. First, on account of being an NFT and, second, because of being a collection. Let’s discuss it one at a time. 

The first and foremost benefit is that of holding digital assets that may yield high returns. Just as we saw in the above case of BAYC. Similarly, they can be used as collateral in the Defi structure for loans. 

Moreover, staking NFT on a blockchain platform is another opportunity that NFTs bring along. This way the NFT holders can earn rewards and income in the form of cryptocurrencies by contributing to the safety structure of the blockchain. 

However, the benefits do not end there. 10K NFTs create opportunities for its member to avail themselves of exclusive benefits. These benefits are handed on the ground of their membership that comes with the NFT they buy from the collection. They can be provided with freebies or related benefits like complementary NFTs for minimal or no fee.

Community Build-up

This is the most important benefit of 10K NFT. They allow the NFT-holders to be a member of a rare group. This feeling of being part of an exclusive community has been attracting more buyers than any other factor.

There are meet-ups and private parties are organized only for NFT holders of the collection can attend. 

However, the most attractive benefit has been the exclusive private shows by the celebrity members of the community only for the members. 

This factor increases the values of the community. More and more people desire to be its part and lesser member want to let go of the membership. Hence, increasing the value of the NFT collection.

How to create NFT 10K Collection?

The development of a high-quality and high-demand NFT 10K collection depends upon its properties and structure, such as the logic used in the algorithmic to create each NFT in the collection, rarity manipulation, royalties structure, and airdrop token break-up among others.

Create your art with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

First, you have to create your art and attain IPR for each of them. The artform or the design is not a concern, you can get it registered as NFT anyway. Be assured that the artwork will not get altered in the process.

At Queppelin, we can also help you in the designing part by offering the most creative best designing services that are NFT-oriented.

Trait library creation

Once the basic concept of the art is finalized, the trait library is created. The library forms the basis of the collection. It is the primary component over which the algorithm works. 

Generation in bulk

As now we have the raw material in the form of our trait library, the time is for NFT generation. It will yield all the possible combinations of traits along with their uniqueness and rarity grades.

Revision of the collection

Since, the human eye may not differentiate what a computer program can, in the next step we remove all the perceptual duplicates. After all, it is all about appearing unique to the artwork collector.

Making it to 10K

Once all the final NFT artwork is in place, we make sure that the count reaches tp 10,000.


10K NFTs have created their market based on the unique appeal that we discussed in the blog. They are exciting, unpredictable, and attractively weird. No doubt they drawing a lot of attention in the market. Some art enthusiasts want to grab them for their art and others want to seize the amazing financial avenue they open up.

Talking about the financial opportunities, we saw how the inherent features of 10K NFTs like uniqueness, rarity, unpredictability, etc. are contributing to it. However, the market value is not only the result of this, the celebrity involvement, mainstream potential, and others are also a great doner in its soaring high financial returns. 

With the ever-expanding NFT market, we are certain that opportunities for the 10K NFT are only going to increase.

The post What is 10K NFT? How to create NFT 10K Collection? appeared first on Queppelin.

Spark AR vs WebAR: A Comprehensive comparison of AR Platforms https://www.queppelin.com/spark-ar-vs-webar-detailed-comparison/ Fri, 04 Mar 2022 05:06:47 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=16725 Augmented Reality is gradually making their way into the mainstream media. It is becoming an important tool to be utilised for a variety of purposes whether it is marketing, entertainment, or even awareness. And now we are in times when it is in the next phase of its evolution and getting more and more decentralized […]

The post Spark AR vs WebAR: A Comprehensive comparison of AR Platforms appeared first on Queppelin.

Augmented Reality is gradually making their way into the mainstream media. It is becoming an important tool to be utilised for a variety of purposes whether it is marketing, entertainment, or even awareness. And now we are in times when it is in the next phase of its evolution and getting more and more decentralized i.e., the user is creating their own AR experience. 

The technology is being made available to anyone to explore it and create their own experience. 

There are different platforms involved in this such as Spark AR and WebAR. Here, anyone can create their own AR experience and share it with everyone. These AR experiences are created by the users for the users. Moreover, anyone can access AR through smartphones and do not need any fancy expensive device for it.

In this blog, we would be discussing these two platforms, seeing how they are bringing AR closer to people and more importantly how they compare with each other.

What is Spark AR?

Spark AR is a tool through which the users can create their own AR effects. It was launched in 2017 and since then it is being continuously updated and enhanced. The idea is to make AR development easier for general users who have little technical know-how on it. This tool is just like the graphics editing tools like Sketch, Photoshop etc., the only difference is that it is AR.

To talk about its functioning, Spark offers you a suite of tools to create an AR experience for mobile phones. You can do it with or without utilizing codes as well as import your own 3D and audio files as per your own choice and preferences. Thus, you can insert a 3D object from outside into a Spark AR project and manipulate it by addition logic, animation and interactivity. Additionally, it also has its own range of off-the-shelf 3D objects that the creator can utilize directly from the AR library.

With the help of Spark AR, you can create face-filters, AR games and other experiences that can engage your audience in much better way. Moreover, the best part is the detailed analytics that Spark offers to its creators. They check the number of impressions, captures as well as the number of times the AR experience has been shared among the social media community.

Thus, Spark AR is definitely one of the amazing tools in the hands of creators. It has made AR development accessible to all and plays a big role in popularising it on social media.

What is WebAR?

Mobile-based Augmented Reality experiences are increasingly becoming popular with each passing day. The trend has been on an upward trajectory for the past few years. In fact as per the data, the interaction resulting from AR leads to 80 per cent higher retention in the user’s mind. That is why many organizations are using their marketing strategy to bring an amazing and engaging experience closer to the user.

However, there has always been a hurdle that stopped many on the verge of getting into the experience. The users have to first download an app and access the AR experience through that app only. And here the bouncing rate of the users increased exponentially. This is where the WebAR comes into pictures.

WebAR or web-based Augmented Reality allows the AR developers to share the AR experiences over the internet without the need for any app. Thus, the user has to just tap on the link or scan a QR code by pointing their mobile camera lens towards it and they can enjoy the amazing experience. 

For this, the experience provider does not need a third party such as the social media platforms, to share their AR with the target audience and they can use their own website to do so. This also enhances the traffic on the website and increases user engagement with the brand.

Moreover, just like Spark AR, WebAR is also capable to offer a host of different tracking and analytics that includes engagements and time on the AR experience page, duration of a user’s interaction with the product, the choices the user opted for try-on, in fact, the AR technology can measure the size of the user and use it for future reference.

Just like Spark AR, WebAR is also contributing to the reach and popularity of AR technology. Now, to add more to your perspective the following is the comparison between the two platforms.

Spark AR vs WebAR

Both of these platforms offer various benefits that AR technology can offer, however, there are some differences in their usability.

Target Audience

Spark AR has a very limited reach and is mainly used by Creators or Influencers who want to expand their reach on Social Media. Spark AR helps the creator incentivize users to engage with their brand on Social Media. Thus, it helps these creators in increasing the number of their followers on that particular platform. And that is precisely why the target audience for the Spark AR is limited to social media platforms.

While on the other hand, the target audience for WebAR can be almost unlimited and goes way beyond the typical social media platform. It can be accessed by anyone with the QR code or the URL to the web page having the experience.

In fact, that is why WebAR is the first choice of advertiser and marketer when it comes to enhancing user engagement. For example, a brand can promote its wearables through tryons wherein the potential customer can try their choice of clothes virtually and see if they like it or not. Here, they don’t need to download any app, the advertisers have to just provide the link and the user can check by themselves.

These kinds of product engagements go a long way towards improving buyers confidence and thereby boosting sales.

Apart from, social media platforms, WebAR also enfolds other platforms in its ambit such as print, web stores, product packaging, websites etc. And there are multiple ways of sharing the WebAR experience with the customer such as mail postcards with AR QR codes, inserting AR features on the product page or any blog talking about the product or sharing the link through social media ads.

Range of Feature

When it comes to offering features, Spark AR provides options that are based on and limited to social media platforms like filters and tryons while WebAR has a huge range of features such as AR teleportation, training, product demonstration, product awareness and many more. 

AR training allows organizations to conduct AR-based training programs for their employees. This allows them to offer an engaging and immersive learning experience to their trainees as they can see the concept materializing virtually in front of them. Plus, they can learn at their convenience and preferences.

Another AR feature is that of Teleportation. A person would be able to explore a different location while being physically present in a different location. What is to be done is just to scan a QR code and the person can see and interact with another location through the AR device. 

WebAR can be a wonderful tool when it comes to upping the ante in the marketing strategies of the organization. And the main reason for this is the ability of WebAR to offer an experience without requiring the user to follow too many steps. Thus, the user does not need to download an app, fill in the details, validate those details, sign in etc. and just start it right away by tapping in the link or scanning the QR code.

For example, recently with the Vossle platform, we ran a marketing campaign for Emirates NBD, a government-owned bank based in Dubai and one of the largest banking groups in the Middle East. The campaign was to offer an AR experience to the target audience with the aim of celebrating the Chinese New Year. The user could access the experience through Face scanning and get it virtually painted by a 3D tiger tattoo. 

This was an example that shows how WebAR offer a great advantage for elevating brand recognition, augmenting sales and increasing the audience base. 

Not only this but WebAR can also be used for showing product demos, sharing the history of the organization, production process and whatnot. In fact, the possibilities are unlimited and totally depend upon you how you want to use the tool of WebAR.

Comparison chart between Spark AR & WebAR

FeatureSpark ARWebAR
Browser CompatibilityNot SupportedSupported by all major browsers
Device CompatibilityUnknownCompatible with most modern smartphones but depends upon the library
Frame rateHighMedium
Face recognitionAdvancedAdvanced
Image recognitionOne target per experienceLibrary dependent
Experiential ConsistencyConsistentVaries with device, browser and screen size
Surface DetectionAvailableAvailable
Software Development Kit (3rd Party)Non-availableAvailable
Link InclusionNoYes
Video PlaybackNot-allowedAllowed
PersistenceNot possiblePossible
Video RecordingLimitedPossible (using 3rd party application)
File SizeLimitedUnlimited
APIsInteraction limited or not allowedInteractions allowed
InputLimited acceptabilityAny data is accepted
HostingRequired for larger filesRequired for all file

Which AR is best for you?

Spark AR is an easy to use platform where you can create an experience for a social media audience. It can be used to offer them a tryon of a product like sunglasses, lipstick, etc or you can create an experience to engage the audience with your brands in any way you want. However, the users of this experience would be limited to the platform. Thus, it is more for promoting your brand on social media and channel traffic to your website. 

On the other hand, Web AR offers all the services of Spark AR along with additional features like AR Teleportation, AR training, etc. It can be used to target users across the platform like print media, digital media etc and make your own website the launching pad for your experience. 

Thus, it totally boils down to the goals you want to achieve.

How to create your own AR experience on Vossle

At Queppelin we have taken it a step ahead, we developed Vossle, using our platform now you create your own WebAR experience without writing even a single line of code. All you have to do is upload your assets in the required format and the experience would be ready in minutes.

In a way, Vossle brings the best of both worlds to you. Here, you don’t have to be a coding expert to create your experience, you can share the QR Code or Link generated by Vossle. All you have to do is head over to Vossle platform and sign up today.

The post Spark AR vs WebAR: A Comprehensive comparison of AR Platforms appeared first on Queppelin.

7 examples of Web AR in 2021 https://www.queppelin.com/webar-examples-2021/ Thu, 28 Jan 2021 09:35:54 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=10668 One of the most impressive new advancements in Augmented Reality (AR) is the growth of WebAR. WebAR is taking the internet by storm. Brands and organizations such as Sephora, and Coca-Cola, are starting to infuse their products with Web-based AR technology and recognizing the use-cases within their businesses. To aid your next Web AR marketing […]

The post 7 examples of Web AR in 2021 appeared first on Queppelin.

One of the most impressive new advancements in Augmented Reality (AR) is the growth of WebAR. WebAR is taking the internet by storm.

Brands and organizations such as Sephora, and Coca-Cola, are starting to infuse their products with Web-based AR technology and recognizing the use-cases within their businesses. To aid your next Web AR marketing campaign, we are here to guide you during the whole process.

In one of our recent blogs, we explained the basics of WebAR and WebXR and their significance in the market. It further highlights how WebAR removes various restrictions experienced by the customers requiring downloading a third-party app to enjoy AR features. It also specifies some Web-based AR examples for a better understanding of our readers.

In recent times during the pandemic crisis, we observed a tremendous increase in the number of brands opting to infuse their marketing operation with WebAR immersive experiences. Web-based AR advances the way to interact with the customers, providing them with an impeccable immersive experience from their homes’ comfort.

The infusion of WebAR platforms in the company’s marketing or promotional operations results in transforming the entire AR campaign delivered to the customers on a broad scale, digitally.  Now that people and potential customers remain at their homes, web-based AR platforms are the new trend in the marketing industry.

Web-based AR examples

Here are the top 7 examples of WebAR of famous companies that have successfully infused their services with AR to make your every experience immersively impeccable.

Huggies, A WebAR Based Marketing Campaign by Queppelin

The recent Web AR marketing campaign for Kimberley Clark’s brand called Huggies is a splendid example. They launched their new product line in Malaysia and Queppelin helped them do it just the right way.

The customers could access the product virtually using the Web AR marketing campaign. We developed QR codes and placed them on various websites, retail stores, and also the product package itself.

Separate QR codes helped Huggies track consumer behavior to cater both to the pre-buying and the post-buying experience.

In addition to viewing the product, the customers also could avail gift vouchers using the same Web AR marketing campaign. The novel marketing campaign helped Huggies gain an 8 percent conversion rate and a 3X increase in conversion value.

Dell Technologies WebAR Immersive Portals

Dell technologies WebAR immersive portals enable the user to feel as if he is transported to a different place or even to a different world altogether. Transporting users to a different country by a single tap on a button has been a part of science fiction.

Various companies are infusing their brands with web-based augmented reality nowadays. They are enjoying web-based AR features to give their audience portals, leading to the destinations of their choice.

Recently Dell technologies created a creative immersive portal for offering their customers the fantastic experience of augmented reality.

Dell used a custom 3D ‘experience room’ that facilitates 360-degree video content to allow users to overlay the experience room within their real world.

The users can enjoy the WebAR experience by clicking a “tap to place” button on their web browsers and then walk into the 360-degree room to experience the immersive content.

This innovative immersive portal is an excellent case of coupling two technologies, i.e., Web AR and 360-degree videos, to create an impressively immersive experience.

Universal’s “Trolls World Tour”

Zappar developed a WebAR platform for its customers to enjoy the promotion of its upcoming movie Trolls World Tour, in high definition quality and impeccable immersive experience.

With advanced world tracking technology aid, they created a WebAR experience for the customers to simulate a map of the Troll’s kingdom overlaying it into their real-world environment. 

The Web AR platform also gives access to unlock a variety of fun face filters resembling the film character’s attires and their iconic styles to promote the movie.

Such an unparalleled AR experience benefits the industry to engage and aids in interacting with a broad audience range.

Web AR 3D business cards – Black and Decker

The 3D AR business cards incorporate a classic old-school style of interacting with a customer but in an improved and innovative way with Web-based AR.

The Aircards dev team created a web AR experience for the Stanley Black & Decker users from scratch. Users can activate the 3D AR business cards by scanning a QR code on the card’s backside, leading users to a unique URL. After opening the URL in the web browser, users can point their phone at the business card to watch it spring to life.

The said Web AR experience includes floating buttons with click-throughs to various social media platforms to ease users’ interaction with the brand.

The 3D AR business cards technology can also monitor the number of monthly clicks the card receives and which buttons are most popular. Furthermore, you could also combine this with a remarketing campaign to target potential clients who scan your card with Google or social media ads.

Purina 28 Day Challenge

Purina is one of the most famous dog brands dedicated to working for the betterment of dogs.

Recently, Purina launched a creative 28-day challenge campaign for all animal lovers to improve their pet’s diet and well-being in a mere span of one month. 

Purina intended to create this WebAR experience to connect with their customers and walk with them through the 28-day journey.

The said 28 days challenge refers to various modifications and diet plans required to be instantly adaptive in their pet’s lives.

The advanced and instant world-tracked animal avatars developed through volumetric capture will enable the brand to engage more customers.

Finally, on completing the 28-day challenge, the participating customers received a $5 voucher incentive to use in Purina stores or on online platforms to maintain the customer-brand relationship with full honesty. 

ViewToo Face Mask Guide

ViewToo is an Italian agency that intends to create an immersive WebAR experience for its customers.

They joined hands with Zap works studio and launched an initiative towards educating the people on the correct way of wearing a mask to ensure their safety.

The free and open web-based AR platform broadcasts the significance of wearing a mask while being at any public place during COVID-19. This initiative is taken to ensure the safety of all and diminish the chances of increasing more new cases. 

The ViewToo founder and CEO gave the press’s statement regarding the innovative way of introducing the Face Mask Guide to avoid the risk of growing more positive cases. He stated that the Face mask guide initiative is a contribution from their side to society in these difficult times

The initiative of an informative WebAR experience to provide a detailed guide on the correct method to wear a mask is the hour’s need. People are ignorant and negligent towards their safety and the increasing risk of COVID-19.

Augmented reality appeared like the appropriate solution to reach a broad range of audiences with compelling content that attracts the customers’ attention at a much deeper level than traditional media.

Coca-Cola #Refreshwherevs

Coca-Cola and Zappar joined hands and decided to work with SkyDigital South Africa to develop an impeccable WebAR experience to make Coca-Cola’s #Refreshwherevs campaign more prominent and impactful.

Coca-Cola’s #Refreshwherevs campaign attempts to showcase a new way of promoting its products to draw people’s attention and engage their focus on the brand’s qualities, features, traits, and history.

The #Refreshwherevs campaign is launched by a branded WebAR platform that includes various face filters that enhance the user’s beauty and enable the user to share their experience on different social media platforms.

Such fun face filters get unlocked and become accessible after repeat purchases with the brand.

The users can access the advanced WebAR platform by scanning the printed QR code on the cans to directly launch the augmented reality experience through their web browsers instead of installing any additional applications.


The effectiveness of Web-based Augmented Reality will grow in the next few years across a spectrum of businesses. Marketing is an industry that will entail the highest growth, as the WebAR features remove the previous hindrances experienced by the customers to download and install an additional app. The examples of WebAR, as mentioned above, are significant proof of the advancement of the marketing industry.

The elevated user experience allows businesses to expand their customer base and capitalize on super high engagement rates and equally raised Click Through Rate.

Queppelin is actively striving towards evolving WebAR related solutions and providing innovative immersive experiences in high definition quality on the web. Are you aiming to develop an unparalleled Web AR experience for your brand?

The post 7 examples of Web AR in 2021 appeared first on Queppelin.

What is Immersive Advertising? https://www.queppelin.com/what-is-immersive-advertising/ Mon, 23 Nov 2020 08:43:53 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=9866 The essence of advertisements has been troublesome for much of the evolution of advertising. Whatever type of ads we watch is meant to distract us from the thing we want to focus on. Earlier, most of the modes of media were restricted by one important element, i.e., space. Like earlier advertising executed through magazines, which […]

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The essence of advertisements has been troublesome for much of the evolution of advertising. Whatever type of ads we watch is meant to distract us from the thing we want to focus on.

Earlier, most of the modes of media were restricted by one important element, i.e., space. Like earlier advertising executed through magazines, which has a limited number of pages with ads in them.

But the restriction of space disappeared with the invention of the internet. It has infinite space so that all of the desired material could be written. However, commercials’ value fell due to the difference in the cost of ad space then and now.

Moreover, nowadays, people are using various innovative technologies like Snapchat filters, lenses, sponsored ads, etc. It is intended to offer the viewer meaning, regardless of whether they know they are watching an ad or commercial. In short, they are following the concept of immersive advertising.

Further, in this article, we will find answers to the questions like what is immersive advertising, tools used for this type of advertising, and examples related to immersive advertising.

What is the Role of Immersive Advertising?

Immersive advertising together encircles a brand or product or organization’s problems such that divisions or members of advertising, marketing, and public relations work impatiently to convey the same brand message through various channels of distribution.

Immersive Advertising gives an advantage of enjoying the energetic, wonderful, and wild new environment. Even advanced thinking marketers need to carry a healthy curiosity and ability to innovate and change their content marketing strategies accordingly.

Immersive advertising also includes digital marketing, public relations, retail partnerships, advertising like traditional or word of mouth, coupons, and much more other ways to surround a consumer with the brand’s regular updates, unlike any other kind of advertising considered to be very cost-effective and more focused on the needs of the customers.

Immersion and Augmented Reality

Immersion into augmented reality is a realization of being physically available in a non-physical universe.

The illusion is created by pictures, sounds, and other effects that offer an overall immersive experience by surrounding the user of the VR system. All the senses have to feel the digital world to be physically real to build a sense of total immersion.

The consumer must communicate with the world naturally, interestingly once the senses accomplish sufficient confidence that the digital environment is true.

Various interactive technologies adapt to the user’s actions and gestures, such as gestural controls, computer vision, and motion tracking.

Augmented Reality In Real Estate

Concept of WebAR and why everyone is so excited about it?

WebAR is also known as Web-based Augmented Reality, the best way to experience AR within a web page.

It means all the customers have to navigate through any android or IOS smartphone camera for experiencing Augmented Reality through a web page URL. 

You can even have an app-less AR experience as there is no need to download an application. A technology that was historically very restricted helps brands to get innovative and be reactive.

AR is one of the technologies that saw important constraints, but we are left to see real cases. Global brands like Kellogg’s, Huggies, etc. have already joined the league.

Illustrations of Immersive Advertising

Huggies, one of the renowned American brands, is also a part of the league using Immersive Advertising to attract their customers.

Scan the QR Code on your mobile to view the experience

If you want to experience an immersive advertisement experience, then open the following link on your mobile device – https://queppelin.8thwall.app/experience01/

If you are accessing this link through mobile, you are required to allow camera access, whereas if you are accessing it via laptop, you are required to scan the QR Code that will appear on the screen. 

After reaching the page, you will see water flowing on the screen with an ABSORB labeled red button. This is for checking the absorbing capacity of the diaper. When you click on the red button, a virtual diaper will appear on the screen to show how the diapers absorb the liquid.

You will see a button labeled as NEXT, click on that, and it will show some bubbles. All you need to burst the bubbles virtually so that you can get to know more about the product with images like a dry expert and fast absorption.

The immersive advertising makes you feel the magic and kind of real looks and usage of the product or service.

Final Thoughts on Immersive Advertising

We are entering the world of immersive advertising. For supporting this form of advertising 360 degrees, Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) are some of the technologies assisting various brands already using it for promotion and marketing.

It is the best opportunity to reap the greatest rewards. Immersive Technologies are the trending game-changer of advertising and marketing. But, for grasping such benefits, you need to start using immersive advertising.

The post What is Immersive Advertising? appeared first on Queppelin.

8th Wall for WebAR Development https://www.queppelin.com/8th-wall-for-webar-development/ Fri, 04 Sep 2020 11:28:07 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=8205 Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is a web-based augmented reality solution. WebAR solutions are accessible via smartphone, laptop, computer, and many more digital devices. The 8th wall, an AR technology company, has created a WebAR development tool that also lets us access the augmented reality experience through their browsers directly. The 8th wall AR tool aims […]

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Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is a web-based augmented reality solution. WebAR solutions are accessible via smartphone, laptop, computer, and many more digital devices.

The 8th wall, an AR technology company, has created a WebAR development tool that also lets us access the augmented reality experience through their browsers directly.

The 8th wall AR tool aims to provide an impeccable augmented reality experience to users worldwide without any complications of installing third-party apps. 

According to various analysts, WebAR technology has the potential to reach twice the number of mobile devices in comparison to native AR apps.

The AR market has the potential to reach $160 billion by 2023. In contrast, the smartphone devices paired with augmented reality can earn a $70 to 75 billion revenue by 2025 as per the recently showcased data of MobiDev in 2019.

Today, augmented reality developers are focusing on technology, surpassing the bulky headsets and digital devices. Creators focus on offering impeccable immersive experiences on the web browser directly.

Smartphones are an optimal choice to approach a broad audience. Smartphones already possess the technical capabilities required for accessing augmented reality experience.

With the features of the 8th wall developer tools, the developers can implement an end-to-end WebAR solution that can perform cognitively, inducing an impeccable augmented reality experience to the users simultaneously. 

How does the 8th wall development tool work for WebAR?

For the ease of the AR implementation process, the 8th wall has created a web-based platform that is an end-to-end cloud-based solution.

The 8th wall AR development tool helps the developers generate simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and image target-enabled WebAR platforms and applications.

Such AR platforms and apps come with a text editor and exceptional support for the website frameworks’ smooth functioning, key bindings, different modes, and more.

The 8th wall augmented reality tools Development Company has launched an advanced tool developed with standards-compliant JavaScript and Web graphics library to use the SLAM engine of the company that provides a real-time augmented reality experience via a mobile phone.

The recently updated version of 8th wall AR technology launched at a virtual expo event enabling the developers to create advanced facial filters, showcasing the AR effects around someone’s face.

The facial filter effects or tools cater to Web-based augmented reality that enables the users to experience augmented reality through a web browser directly. 

The 8th wall company renders WebAR experiences to the users. It gives developers and brands the control to develop face filters that are exciting and innovative. All this is in real-time.

Users can access the advanced face filters through the brand’s official websites. It offers developers and brands the power to build and launch a new category of face filter effects that we have not seen yet.

The new 8th wall AR features enable the creators to include such effects that leverage the application programming interfaces in real-time, a large variety of assets such as video textures, multiplayer support, and more.

Creators can also anchor 3D objects to the face effects such as virtual hats, uniforms, virtual jewelry, and make-up to your face.

In a nutshell, the 8th Wall’s WebAR development tool features an all-new platform that is a deal-breaker for smartphone users and an important milestone for the immersive technology web.

The WebAR tool also eliminates the practice of hosted environments.

Use Cases of WebAR Tool

At Queppelin, our expert team develops such web-based platforms, which will make your life easy and smooth. WebAR is evolving day by day and is affecting various sectors of society in the following ways:

A game changer for marketing

The 8th wall AR development tools help developers build innovative and advanced tech products for marketing and promotional companies.

The all-new face filter promotional techniques are a game-changer for the companies to reach a broad customer base and attract more customers to their brand products.

The WebAR technology provides impeccable quality face filters that can showcase the make-up variety of shades for make-up companies or various and unique types of jewelry for a jewelry brand.

The face filter feature showcases the brand’s loyalty and uniqueness to the customers and attracts them to buy the products.

Print & Digital media

Various companies are infusing themselves with immersive technologies and launching their advanced products uniquely.

Toyota company is launching its 2020 GR Supra through augmented reality digital media with the assistance of Road and track. The company’s advanced technology facilitates a unique style of promoting the GR Supra by creating a web-based markerless AR campaign.

The advanced promotional technique facilitates the advertising campaign without accessing the location of the user to work. The 8th wall AR tool creates a platform in which the user scans a QR code and can access the GR Supra details and can showcase the specific model in the garage, driveway, or anywhere in the world.

The user can also select the model in various colors, resize the product, and save an image of the desired model for sharing on media.

The users can access the unique promotional platform through a link in their smartphone’s web browser and get an excellent WebAR experience in their comfort zone.

The Android and IOS users can access such platforms easily or also can click on a digital banner on the phone’s search engine.


Queppelin Web AR development tools create such applications or web-based platforms that help the brands launch their products on a broad scale.

Brands like Sephora, Coca-Cola, Ikea are infusing their brands with immersive technologies for providing innovative and advanced services to their customers and making the shopping process easy and fun.

Many brands have tied up with Tech companies and gotten their unique WebAR platform, which provides AR changing rooms for its customers.

Customers can try hundreds of products by only going to a link-based platform to test products such as shoes, clothes, hats, bags, and buy the ones that suit them the best.

Customers are engaging with infused brands with advanced technology only to get unique services and shop multiple products simultaneously via the same platform.

Corporate events

As we know about the deadly pandemic affecting the whole world and crashing the economy mercilessly. Conferences and meetings in the world as a whole are canceled and rescheduled for safety purposes.

In contrast, various companies such as Dell technologies noticed the issue and organized a Virtual expo meeting to continue their business operations.

The 8th wall WebAR development tool helps the developers create such a platform that provides a consistent and impeccable augmented reality experience and achieves the goal to reach a broad scale audience.

Various companies organize virtual events or virtual expo events globally to efficiently and effectively maintain and operate business activities.    


The updated 8th wall WebAR tool has the potential for creative ideas and various techniques for pushing the gaming industry to the next level. The gaming industry is infused with immersive technology as they are many gaming companies that provide AR or VR gaming experiences to customers.

The developers create games that are unique and advanced. The 8th wall WebAR company offers an augmented reality gaming platform that can be accessed through the web browser directly with no need for installing additional setups.

The 8th wall AR tools let the creators build the AR gaming products with impeccable graphics in high definition quality.

Queppelin, with its advanced technology, can create a WebAR platform in which the game user can select its personalized avatars and choice of the environment in which he wants to play.

Queppelin’s graphic designer experts and sound effects experts do fantastic work at giving an impeccable experience of augmented reality in the real world to the user.


As many smartphone companies such as Samsung and Apple are already providing features for making augmented reality accessible to smartphone users. In contrast, Companies such as the 8th wall AR are also rendering web-based AR facilities.

Customers will be attracted to both entities. However, it will be an exciting event to witness the upcoming developments and changes that the developers will build to redefine the users’ augmented reality experience and upgrade the entire world.

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WebAR with Image Marker Detection https://www.queppelin.com/webar-with-image-marker-detection/ Fri, 24 Jul 2020 03:02:05 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=7731 Augmented Reality is getting popular among smartphone users. WebAR is pushing the momentum even further by doing away with the need to install any applications. WebAR has come as a solution to users’ reluctance in experiencing Augmented Reality with the help of applications. With WebAR marker image detection, developers have found new possibilities in offering […]

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Augmented Reality is getting popular among smartphone users. WebAR is pushing the momentum even further by doing away with the need to install any applications.

WebAR has come as a solution to users’ reluctance in experiencing Augmented Reality with the help of applications.

With WebAR marker image detection, developers have found new possibilities in offering users a far better experience.

What is WebAR?

WebAR has gained popularity as an Augmented Reality experience that you can access via any web browser rather than using an application.

It makes use of technologies such as WebGL, WebVR, WebRTC, and APIs to offer an excellent web-based AR experience to users. Simply we can say that users just require to have a phone to access it.

WebAR allows smartphone users to explore AR technologies in the most comfortable way via the web without worrying about the burden of installation. So, now with WebAR on ARCore, you can view and interact with AR 3D objects in real-time without installing applications.

WebAR breaks barriers and creates interactive 3D models that users can access through a link or a QR-code.

Google WebAR with the help of ARCore marker detection supports image target detection.

Developers are trying hard to improve ARCore marker detection so that users experience something more eye-soothing and fascinating with Google WebAR.


Technology behind WebAR Image Tracking

WebAR has some technical requirements as a part of the immersive web. When you wish to utilize WebAR image tracking via smartphones, your phone should have sensors such as RGB camera and gyroscope accelerometer to run WebAR pages.

Furthermore, your browser must support WebXR that is an API besides having ARCore (for Android devices) installed. WebXR enables users to view AR content without installing any extra software or plugin.

With WebAR image tracking you can see high-quality 3D objects without having any application on your phone.

In iOS devices, you can view brilliant quality images in USDZ format with the help of AR Quick Look developed with ARKit on the web. It works in the Safari browser and some in-built applications such as notes, messages, and mails.

Apple has created USDZ format in collaboration with Pixar Animation Studio to allow developers to create 3D models for AR. USDZ format can be considered as an extension from USD format that assembles several objects such as text and images and renders them into a single one.

Developers are also using other tools and frameworks for the expansion of immersive web with WebAR.

AR.js is an open-source library for Augmented Reality on the web for enhancement in AR performance on smartphones. AR.js includes location-based AR and marker-based technology (Simplified QR code).

Developers use it to build WebAR experience as it is very simple to use and it can efficiently perform a 60 FPS.

How does WebAR with Image Marker Detection Work?

WebAR image marker detection should work in the following way to be more user-friendly and functional.

First of all, it should define its position and orientation where a device is in the 3D space with the help of AR marker. This basic step happens to be essential for synchronizing the 3D images on the top of the real world. Developers sometimes refer to this process as six degrees of freedom.

It indicates that WebAR image marker detection has the capability of teaching three axes of both orientation and position. Secondly, WebAR needs to expose the camera stream, its view filed as well as camera perspective.

This feature also turns out to be important for the synchronization of the real and virtual world. Thirdly, AR marker should include the feature of scene understanding to run AR in the web version without any flaw.

This means the device must have the ability to find the surface to put the 3D object and to estimate present the light in the environment.

App-based AR like Snapchat and Facebook utilize a cloud-based CMS to provide users with an AR experience based on certain types of trigger, marker, and meaning link.

The trigger requests a background system to send code or assets to launch AR experience. There happens to be a certain limit to AR file size (4mb) to download fast and work efficiently.

Triggers (links or QR-code) activate WebAR but use web optimizations for downloading content with a limitation in size. However, if computer vision AI of a mobile device can detect particular feature points of an image, the code work eventually.

Examples of WebAR

Industries where we can use WebAR

Some industries where we can utilize marker-based Augmented Reality are given below.

  • WebAR can changes users. E-commerce experiences to another level. While marketing is considered, we must say that it has brought a new platform for an advertising campaign. People now can follow a link or scan a QR code to get more interactive and engaging advertisements beneficial for them. Marker-based Augmented Reality has introduced a new scope for e-commerce websites for improving users’ experience.
  • WebAR 3D object recognition has proved to beneficial for educational purposes. With WebAR, students have entered engaging classrooms where the teaching-learning process is more exciting and interactive. It has become easier for students to navigate through the campus.
  • WebAR on ARCore and ARKit has added new charms to entertainment to provide users with an engaging and more exciting Augmented Reality experience. The use of WebAR 3D object recognition has appeared to be the most obvious one as interacting with WebAR is itself funny and interesting. WebAR can be used for introducing new games and even for the production of movies. Although game developers or filmmakers have not largely used WebAR so far, they have started to think about utilizing this tool.
  • One of the most beneficial implementations is 3D AR business cards. When users scan a QR-code, they get to see an interactive card on their phones’ screens. From there, they can navigate through social media, email of the persons who have given them the QR-codes. With WebAR business card you can track the analytics: how many persons have used the QR-code.

Futures of WebAR with Image Marker Detection

We expect that WebAR will soon come into mainstream and marketers will frequently use it.

One of the most significant things about WebAR with image marker detection is that it efficiently creates an extremely easy way to access information.

In the future, people can get all data within on QR-code scan or a single tap without the search.

Finding something will be far simpler with interactive maps that will guide you with visual directions over any real background.

So, being on a bus, you can easily scan empty roads with your smartphones to see whether the bus is running properly.

Jordan Santell, an ex-UX engineer of Google, has opined that adaptation AR to web format will enable people in better understanding.

The creation of cloud space will be possible for shared WebAR experience. The widespread acceptance of AR headsets will accelerate further development in WebAR with image marker detection.

As a result, users will instantly access information when contextually relevant content will appear with the change in their real background.

Although WebAR is presently confined mostly to browsers, we can expect that it will bring new opportunities in the future for offering a more exciting AR experience.

Apple and Google are trying to build their own AR capabilities straight into their operating systems. ARCore marker detection has already enhanced users’ AR experience.

We expect to experience something more advanced in the future with improvements in WebAR. 

WebAR has already benefited smartphone users by freeing them from installing numerous applications on their phones to enjoy AR experiences.

It will make Augmented Reality more fruitful for business in the future with technological advancement. Digitization of products with WebAR has introduced a new era to the brand’s relationship with customers. It will considerably enrich business strategies in the future and open new ways in the competitive world of business.

Developers have dedicated themselves to bringing forward new possibilities to image recognition and image tracking for offering people more information about any object within a short period of time.

In case you have an idea, or just need a demo, we are just a mail away. We love hearing and networking and are readily available at enquiry@queppelintech.com for queries. 

The post WebAR with Image Marker Detection appeared first on Queppelin.

What is WebAR & Why it Matters a Lot https://www.queppelin.com/what-is-webar-or-webxr-and-why-it-matters-a-lot/ Wed, 22 Jul 2020 07:49:24 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=7697 Virtual & Augmented Reality is revolutionizing the world with WebXR and WebAR which make it possible to augment reality through web browsers. Be it virtual meetings or product launches, or even furniture galleries, it provides direct web-based solutions, without consumers being asked to download an app. Such WebVR, WebAR, and WebXR samples provide a deep […]

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Virtual & Augmented Reality is revolutionizing the world with WebXR and WebAR which make it possible to augment reality through web browsers. Be it virtual meetings or product launches, or even furniture galleries, it provides direct web-based solutions, without consumers being asked to download an app.

Such WebVR, WebAR, and WebXR samples provide a deep introspection into the future of the industry. Be it any domain, from marketing to home appliances, AR, VR, and WebXR have got it all covered.

The era of Web Augmented Reality is booming with the 5G networking and the game-changing AI. It has all become possible because of the extensive web AR Frameworks which makes the development and rendering of AR in Web browsers possible.

The industrial requirement of WebXR Application development is skyrocketing, as the industries are shifting from on physical presence to a virtual location independent, work from anywhere paradigm.

Even the marketers now understand the positive influence of Augmented Reality Demos.

What is WebAR?

WebAR is the direct use of Web Browsers, bypassing the bulky nature of the applications, to experience the augmented reality from any device.

Yes, it means you just need any device with a working internet connection to experience AR, directly without the need of downloading applications and cluttering your device storage. 

With great power, comes great responsibilities. Since, webAR and WebXR, are lightweight, they run swiftly through browsers. Considering the limitations of the web-browsers, it poses a challenge for the developers who have limited access to device hardware because of restricted permissions to the browser.

Hence, a careful design paradigm is required in order to develop WebXR and WebAR applications

The Generation of WebXR

What WebXR is beyond WebAR and WebVR. It is an extended reality beyond your standard apps, through the Web.

These are the most primary hurdles that AR/VR tries to jump through. The dedicated hardware layer is being bypassed, and this being the primary reason for migration and widespread acceptance of the technology. The end consumers get a taste of what they will be experiencing through a progressively rich method.

WebXR further moves a step further for people with VR Devices and helps to design an augmented and more realistic perspective of the product which is being covered, hence ensuring more customer conversions.

This interesting project from Google is a prototype of how cross-platform and device-independent software are gaining traction in the present day. Further, much more advanced APIs like WebXR have been developed to incorporate the holistic experience the Web Augmented Reality has reserved for the future. 

It will not be wrong to say that WebXR is to VR what the web browsers were to the internet in the 20th Century: It is going to be open access to VR, bringing the technology to the masses. 

WebAR v/s WebVR v/s WebXR 

WebVR targets the use of VR devices for experiencing the environment. But it lacks the most important feature i.e. Augmented Reality.

This takes us to WebAR which uses various markers in order to augment reality. WebAR and WebVR are quite popular, but WebXR has become the most popular standard. The former can be said to be deprecated with the new features which WebXR offers. It provides an immersive web experience.

The inclusion of VR and sensors makes it yet more special as compared to webVR and WebAR. Further, a markerless WebAR approach makes it more interesting. What we mean by markerless is not using visual markers for positional and orientational analysis.

Rather, it requires a far-fetched feature detection and the use of correspondences for enhancing the experience.

How Queppelin does it?

At Queppelin, we have a dedicated team to turn your vision into reality. Our team of experienced developers and designers are fully committed to your requirements.

Our XR Labs assure an iterative design paradigm. At every level of production throughout the XR Application development, this ensures the highest consumer satisfaction.

XR is the best fit for business applications such as marketing, product demonstrations, presentations, and learning.  Facebook WebXR is one highly consumer-oriented example.

We get multiple queries of what problems we work on solving. Our teams work on bringing almost every vision to life. With clients spread across various countries, we strive to deliver the state of the art results that ensure end-user satisfaction and fit our client’s best needs.

We mostly work with the following tech stack : 


The beauty of WebXR is that it serves the purpose of catering the content to the end-users without the requirement of downloading applications, hence bypassing App-Stores. With our WebXR development services, your applications become approachable to a broader consumer base because of the smooth and interactive user experience.

This in turn benefits the marketing agencies a lot, reduces the incurred cost, and hence targets a broader user base. 

Our XR Skills and Experience

At Queppelin, we have a dedicated WebXR Lab consisting of developers who have been working on the technology since its inception. We strive to deliver innovative solutions for your ideas. We have custom-made samples for you for Web AR Face tracking which can be demoed.

Further, the above samples we covered provide a basic gist of the power of WebXR and we love implementing the WebXR services we have been offering our clients. 

How do we deliver our WebXR Solutions?

The teams at our Queppelin WebXR Labs follow the following protocol while developing solutions for you. It all starts with ideation where we analyze your idea, and select the tools to bring it to life!

We begin by listing the features you want in Your WebApp, incorporating your continuous feedback. This feedback helps our development team to strategize those features.

Our flow towards providing a solution for WebAR development, and WebXR development include:

  • We Conceptualize the Flow: After analyzing your idea, we lay down a timeline while keeping in mind all the challenges. We focus on developing and prioritizing the trickiest parts. So, it is essential to identify such problems.
  • We Strategize and Plan: Having analyzed the challenges, we work on the principle of frugality. This helps us optimize the entire development process in terms of our time and finances.
  • We begin Development: After we have the whole plan, our team implements an industry-tested approach to ensure timely delivery. After the development of graphics is completed, we keep consolidating them regularly after testing. 
  • The WebSolution is ready to Launch and then we stay in touch: It’s not over with us launching the app in the market. We keep a regular eye on the trends that your app follows so that we can make the required iteration to the mobile gaming app.

In case you have an idea, or just need a demo, we are just a mail away. We love hearing and networking and are readily available at enquiry@queppelintech.com for queries. 

The post What is WebAR & Why it Matters a Lot appeared first on Queppelin.

Augmented Reality In The Jewelry Industry https://www.queppelin.com/augmented-reality-jewelry-industry/ Tue, 21 May 2019 05:47:00 +0000 https://www.queppelin.com/?p=3638 While the shift to digital commerce has reshaped buying habits, the majority of jewelry sales are still conducted in retail stores. In these changing times, people mostly prefer shopping online. Then why do consumers still choose to buy jewelry in-store? Buying Jewelry In-Store v/s Online There are many factors that lead to this. To begin […]

The post Augmented Reality In The Jewelry Industry appeared first on Queppelin.

While the shift to digital commerce has reshaped buying habits, the majority of jewelry sales are still conducted in retail stores. In these changing times, people mostly prefer shopping online. Then why do consumers still choose to buy jewelry in-store?

Buying Jewelry In-Store v/s Online

There are many factors that lead to this. To begin with, jewelry is more than a piece of luxury. It is usually bought to commemorate a special moment such as a birthday or anniversary. Because of the occasion’s significance, buyers spend much time making sure the product is correct, discussing it with the sales associate, and of course, looking for many options before making a final decision.

We prefer to analyze jewelry before buying it which is impossible to do during online shopping, making many people biased toward buying it in-store.

Clearly, it is the lack of immersive experience during online jewelry shopping that leads consumers to buy it in-store.

So you might wonder what Augmented Reality is

Augmented Reality (AR) overlays 2D or 3D elements onto the real world in real-time using a device’s camera in a way that makes those elements appear to inhibit the real world.

AR is all around us nowadays. Be it trying on virtual clothes on an eCommerce shopping site to playing games like Pokemon Go, we’ve all experienced AR in one way or another.

Elevating the Jewelry Shopping Experience with AR

Now that we know why consumers prefer buying jewelry in-store rather than online, let’s take a deeper look at how this issue can be mended.

One of the best tried and tested methods to increase and promote online jewelry shopping has been the inclusion of Augmented Reality during online shopping. AR technology has revolutionized online jewelry shopping. It has given customers the chance to completely immerse themselves in the jewelry-trying process just as if they were in a store.

Buying from the store leaves the buyers with a limited number of designs and options to choose from. In contrast, online jewelry shopping solves the problems of time constraints, logistics, and offers various choices to help to make an informed decision.

Jewelry Try-on

This concept is as simple as it sounds.

Just turn on the camera and click the “link” button on the product website. A 3D model of the item will be displayed on the device’s screen. Users can do a lot more with their virtual jewelry than just try it on visually. They can adjust, pinch to resize, drag, drop, etc

Try Jewelry Ar Experience now by clicking on the link below or just scan the QR code

AR Technology can scan and detect the hands, ears, neck, etc., where the virtual piece of Jewelry can be placed to see how it looks there.

Top AR Development Platforms to simplify AR Creation for your Business

With the gaining popularity of AR, more and more platforms are emerging every day to help businesses create AR Experiences in lesser time than ever before

are a few such examples. Let’s take a brief look at one of these platforms, Vossle, that we have used to deliver some recent AR Projects.


Vossle is a no-code AR platform that helps businesses create interactive AR Experiences. One of Vossle’s most impressive features is the Virtual Tryon. Users can test out virtual items including jewelry, apparel, footwear, etc.

A URL or QR code can be used to access the AR filter. The camera will open up with the AR Tryon filter overlaid on it. Point the camera towards whoever wishes to try on the item before deciding to buy it (Try-before-you-buy).

Anyone can start for free and create an instant AR experience with Vossle. It does not require users to install any apps nor do they need to perform coding, hence making it a very user-friendly platform.

Use Case of Augmented Reality in the Jewelry Industry

Queppelin helped Titan’s Tanishq launch World’s First Jewelry Try-On in the Metaverse

Tanishq, the largest jewelry retailer in India, partnered with Queppelin to introduce its most recent jewelry collection through a metaverse conference.

The team accomplished the feat of developing the 3D Virtual Try-On for each piece of jewelry in the collection. Vossle’s Tryon feature allowed visitors to wear the virtual 3D replica of Tanishq’s new Polki Jewelry collection.

Vossle team accomplished the feat of developing the 3D Virtual Try-On for each piece of jewelry in the collection. This feature allowed visitors to wear the virtual 3D replica of Tanishq’s new Polki Jewelry collection.

It gave users a clear idea of how a particular piece of jewelry would look once worn in reality. They just had to scan the code next to the jewelry in the metaverse. The link will open to an AR filter for the front camera of their smartphone showing the virtual jewelry on the user’s reflection on the screen.

This virtual event was a resounding hit as it combined AR and Metaverse components to give its audience an amazing, immersive experience from the comfort of their homes.

Jewelry Companies can thrive with Augmented Reality

  • Improves consumer interaction: Customers are more likely to buy a product if the app has AR features. 

    72% of people said they bought products they didn’t plan on due to the impact of AR. 
  • Increases buyer confidence: AR helps customers make confident buying decisions, resulting in increased satisfaction and strong customer loyalty.

    71% of buyers say they would shop more often if they used AR.
  • Higher conversion rates: With AR, people are better able to evaluate products and connect with brands which ultimately results in a purchase.

    94% of customers who interact with AR experiences purchase the product. 
  • Buyers willing to pay more: Nearly three out of four consumers say they would view and pay more for a product they can explore with AR.

    40% of consumers are willing to spend more on products they can preview via AR.
  • Fosters brand loyalty: AR helps companies build a strong brand and retain customers again.

    70% of customers are anticipated to be more loyal to brands that use AR in their shopping process.

Implementing Augmented Reality in Jewelry Industry is a win-win for all

Benefits of AR for Retailers

  • Reduces the need for Jewelry stores to maintain large inventories as they can offer a wide selection of virtual jewelry and experiment with new designs without having to actually manufacture them beforehand.
  • Hundreds of people can try the same product (or Jewelry) at the same time without having to wait for their turn, as one does in a store.
  • Speeds up buying process than in-store since online checkout is a lot quicker and also preferred by most.
  • Minimalizes the fear of theft of Jewelry from stores which is a huge problem for Jewelry stores.
  • Easier to announce new Jewelry collections.
  • Implementation of next-gen technologies is instant press-worthy news that the marketing team can utilize to further spread the news about new or premium Jewelry collections.
  • Allows testing of new products and Jewelry designs.
  • Prevents the risk of product failure.
  • A unique way to attract more buyers.
  • Move ahead of the competition and create a future-proof business.

Benefits of AR for Buyers

  • The younger generation prefers to shop online and wants businesses to provide them with a personalized and immersive experience. Good experiences tend to result in repeat purchases.
  • When shoppers have a good immersive purchase experience they spread positive word of mouth in their private social groups as well as share their experience publicly on various social media platforms.
  • AR saves a lot of time for the buyer as they don’t have to visit the store. Also, they don’t need to deal with the salesperson (which based on a study the younger generation tends to avoid.)
  • AR Visualization allows buyers to explore more options than in-store. In most cases, the buyer ends up spending more than they had initially planned for.
  • AR Visualization of the Jewelry collection enables users to try the products before they buy them.

Retail is changing and so is the Shopper’s buying behavior

  • Almost 40% of the shoppers would be happy to pay more for a product if they could get an AR experience while shopping.
  • Approximately 71% of the shoppers would like to shop at retail shops if they could get AR experience there.
  • Brands get more loyal shoppers if they are incorporating AR. Also, customers feel more satisfied after making a purchase.

Future of AR in the Jewelry Industry

Currently, tens of thousands of AR experiences are being used every day and more than 1B people worldwide use AR.

Shopping, designing, or production- AR in the Jewelry Industry is challenging the status quo and is hence growing popular each day. 

It is only a matter of time before online shopping is completely elevated through AR, especially for buying precious articles such as jewelry.


The pandemic made it apparent that people want convenient, frictionless, and distinctive purchasing experiences. Brands must be proactive in embracing new technological developments and integrating them smoothly to keep their customers satisfied and elevate their shopping experience.
Now is the perfect time for brands to integrate immersive technologies like AR to stand out and we, here at Queppelin, are here to cater to your AR needs!

The post Augmented Reality In The Jewelry Industry appeared first on Queppelin.
